Chapter Seven

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His flight to go back home was tomorrow.

Having only spent a week in LA, it was still the best week of his life.

He tried to tell himself it wasn't because he was away from Andrew. He loved him.


"Come back to Perth with me." Troye whined, nuzzling his face into Connor's neck. Connor sighed sadly, gently rubbing his hands down Troye's back.

"I would if I could, you know that." Connor paused, pushing his nose into his soft curly hair. "I have to work."

Troye pouted, eyes tearing up at what was waiting for him at home. His lip wobbled and he let out a soft sniffle. "I'm going to miss you."

"Hey." Connor frowned, bending down a little to catch his eyes. "Why are you being this way?" Troye shook his head, closing his eyes tightly. Connor watched him closely. "You'd tell me if something was going on at home, right?" He asked softly.

Troye pulled away from Connor, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand and smiling softly. "Everything is fine." He sniffled, rubbing at his eyes roughly. 'I'm just going to miss you."

Connor's eyes softened, a small smile spreading onto his face. "Come here." He raised his arms, motioning for Troye to fall into them. Troye collapsed, burying his face into his neck while taking deep breaths. "I'll come visit you, you know that." Connor shushed him softly, running his fingers down his spine. "You need to go see your family. You've been working too hard, Tro." Connor pulled away to look at him. "I don't want you making yourself sick."

"I love you."

Connor smiled sadly, gently brushing a strand of hair from his face. "I love you too." Connor's eyes widened when he felt a soft pair of lips press onto his own. He closed his eyes and tightly gripped Troye's hips, squeezing when he felt Troye's arms wrap around his neck.

Connor's eyes shot open when Troye abruptly pulled away and jumped up, fingers lightly touching his lips as he paced back and forth. "I'm sorry."

Connor frowned, shaking his head and standing up. "What are you talking about?" He slowly approached him, hands softly gripping Troye's. "I've been dying to do that." Connor laughed quietly, but Troye didn't smile.

"Andrew." Troye whimpered, tears falling down his rosy cheeks as his lips quivered. "Andrew."

"Who's Andrew?" Connor asked, moving to wipe the tears from his cheeks. Troye shook his head quickly, pushing Connor away as he kept muttering that name. "Troye calm down."

"He's going to kill me!" Troye shouted, letting out a loud sob as he fell to the floor, body shaking as he cried out that name.

All Connor could do was watch.

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