Chapter 3

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When the pizza finally came, they all settled down in the living room and started to watch Friends. Connor wasn't paying attention to the show though, he was too busy staring at the beautiful boy who was leaning against him. He was quietly chewing on his third slice, eyes engrossed on the TV. Connor looked down at him with a fond smile, heart aching with love for him.
"Jesus, Troye." Tyler joked as Troye reached for his fourth slice. "I didn't think it was possible for your appetite to grow any more." Troye blushed and sat back, hands folding in his lap.
"I'm sorry." Troye said quietly, playing with his thumbs. "I don't know how I'm still hungry."
Connor frowned at the boy and glared at Tyler, who threw his hands up in defense. Connor rubbed Troye's back softly, and reached to put another slice in Troye's hand. "He can eat as much as he wants to." Connor snapped as Troye threw him a small smile. Connor winked and diverted his eyes back to the television as Troye continued to eat quietly.
They continued to watch Friends for another hour until Tyler let out a loud yawn, stretching his limbs as he got up from the couch. "I'm going to bed." He announced, rubbing the back of his head sleepily. "Sweet dreams, ya'll." He softly stroked Troye's head and patted Connor's shoulder.
"Goodnight, Tilly." Troye muttered sleepily, throwing the boy a precious smile.
"Goodnight, Tyler." Connor said, giving the boy a smile as well. Tyler waved and went into his room, shutting the door quietly.
"I should go home." Connor stated while  getting up slowly, making Troye whine. Troye grabbed his wrist softly.
"No, Con. Stay." Troye whimpered, lips pouting. Connor laughed and smoothed out his lips with a gentle thumb.
"There's no where for me to sleep." Connor said, crossing his arms.
"You can sleep with me." Troye said happily, as if he came up with the best idea in the world.
"You sure?" Connor asked, trying not to get too excited of the thought of sleeping with the beautiful boy. Troye nodded, getting up and grabbing Connor's hand. He pulled Connor into the room and locked the door. Connor took his pants off along with his shirt as Troye pulled off his pants as well. Connor walked over to the bed and sat on it, already getting comfortable. Troye cowered into the corner of the room, back facing Connor. Connor smirked, shaking his head slightly.
"Why are you hiding?" Connor asked, laughing at the awkward boy. "I've seen you shirtless before."
Troye took off his shirt quickly and covered his body quickly, throwing on his sleep shirt. He turned around and walked over to the bed, giggling quietly. "There's not much to see." He awkwardly stood towering over the bed, looking down at his toes. "Do you mind if I sleep next to the wall?" He asked shyly. "It makes me feel safe."
Connor's eyes softened, smiling gently. "Of course." He cooed, scooting over and patting the spot next to him. Troye happily got in, burying his body under the covers. Connor settled down as well, arm stretching out to turn off the lamp. He settled on his side, his back facing Troye as he closed his eyes. A couple of seconds passed before he felt movement and a soft hand poke him softly. He opened his eyes and turned around to face the Australian. He was met with round, blue eyes looking back at him.
"Can you hold me?" He asked quietly, as if scared of Connor's response. Connor frowned at the timid boy who never used to be so hesitant. The Troye he knew before would have just took Connor's arm and put it around himself.
"Of course, Tro." The pale boy scooted closer to Connor and buried his face into his neck. Connor gently put his arm around his waist, smiling widely. He tightened his hold, making Troye hiss quietly. He frowned. "Am I hurting you?" Connor asked, quickly loosening his grip and ready to pull away.
Troye quickly held Connor's arms in place, shaking his head. "No. Not at all." His voice wavered slightly, eyes distant and cold. Connor reached a hand up to tilt Troye's face up to look at him. Troye forced a smile, and cuddled closer to Connor. "Just don't hold too tight." Connor nodded his head, gently holding the boy to him.
He wasn't even holding that tight before.

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