Chapter Fourteen

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"He's going to be okay."

Connor has never felt true relief until he heard those words; those five wonderful, reassuring words that he had been aching to hear.

But of course, every good thing comes with a catch.

"However, he refuses to speak." Connor furrowed his brows, head spinning from the smell of hospital and sickness and death. It was all around him, suffocating him and holding him in its lifeless clutch. But nothing could ruin the relief he felt from hearing those words.

But he won't speak.

"What do you mean? He won't speak about what happened?" Connor asked frantically, voice raising a few octaves from the stress the hours have been.

"He won't speak at all." The doctor explained calmly, hands steady at his sides while talking to Connor. His voice was so smooth, trained from the countless times he's had to deliver bad news.

Connor wonders if you could ever get used to it.

"It's called 'Selective Mutism,' it's an anxiety disorder in which a person who is normally capable of speech does not speak in specific situations or to specific people." His voice was way too calm explaining such a thing to Connor. He sighed as he saw Connor's eyes glaze over with an unexplainable emotion. "I suggest you get him someone to talk to."


"Hey, sweet boy." Connor cooed softly as he entered the dull hospital room. Troye jumped slightly at the voice, blue eyes standing out vibrantly in the white room. He smiled sweetly, hand reaching up to give Connor a little wave, teeth barely peeking through his lips. Connor chuckled, walking over to the boy and sitting down in the chair next to his bed.

His eyes scanned over the frail boy, taking in the dark circles under his eyes and unruly curls adoring the top of his head. He let out a sad sigh when his eyes landed on the white bandages wrapped around his head. Troye's hand twitched slightly, fingers moving as if waiting to be held.

He always deserved to be held.

Connor gently laced his fingers with the pale ones of the beautiful boy he was so in love with. His thumb rubbed soothingly against his hand, soft green eyes holding the boys own serene blue. "How are you feeling?"

Troye lifted his other hand into a thumbs up, soft blue eyes crinkling at the sides from his smile. Connor leaned in and quickly kissed his thumb, earning himself a giggle from the beautiful boy. "Why aren't you talking, babe?"

Troye's smile fell, eyes slowly looking down at the white hospital bed he was lying on. His fingers played with a loose thread coming out of the thin, itchy blanket covering his body.

"Are you scared?" Connor prodded gently, lips pouting slightly at the way Troye's chapped lips quivered slightly. "Because if you are you don't have to be. I won't let him ever hurt you again."

Troye sat up carefully so he could lean over to rest his head against Connor's chest. Connor rested a gentle hand against the back of his head, cradling the boy to his chest. "I miss your voice." Connor whispered, eyes shining with unshed tears. "Do you know what it felt like to not know whether the person you love more than anything in this world is going to be okay?" Troye picked his head up quickly, wide blue eyes staring up at Connor. "I love you."

Connor looked down when he heard a quiet whimper, lips pressing against Troye's forehead when he saw the tears running down his cheeks. "No, baby. Don't cry." Troye let out a sad noise, burying his face back into Connor's chest. "I've always loved you. I hope you know that."

Troye pulled away slightly, lips softly pecking Connor's. Their noses rubbed together, lips ghosting over each other. "Am I yours?" His voice was so quiet, barely there, a weak and broken sound that filled Connor's heart.


this is so short and sucky but I wanted to post something just so you guys know I haven't forgotten about this story, xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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