Chapter 2

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"Do you see him?" Connor asked excitedly as Tyler stood up on his tip toes to look over the crowd of people.
"No." Tyler groaned, eyes scanning the crowd frantically. "The kid is like ten fucking feet tall, we can't miss him."
Connor sighed and continued to look for the blue eyed beauty, his best friend. The last time he saw him was months ago when he visited Perth. Ever since then they skyped but it was never the same. He wanted to hold him and actually see him, not through a computer screen.
"Ah! There he is!" Tyler screamed, pointing in the direction of the Australian. Connor followed his gaze and his breath was knocked from him.
There he was.
He was as beautiful as he remembered him. Still so tall and so skinny, still with those electric blue eyes. Still with that smile that can turn your stomach into goo. Still the adorable, awkward boy who was loved by everyone.
But something was different.
He was as beautiful as he remembered him, but he looked as if he carried the world on his shoulders. Still so tall and skinny, but what was once healthy looks sickly and painful. Still with those electric blue eyes, but they held this sort of sadness to them. Still with that smile that can turn your stomach into goo, but it was a little forced. He just looked sad.
Connor frowned, but quickly covered it with a smile as Tyler attacked Troye with a giant hug, Troye giggling softly as Tyler kissed his cheek and pulled away. "My twink bottom." Tyler joked, earning a light slap onto his chest from Troye.
Troye looked over at Connor and smiled, eyes soft and tired, but overall relieved. Connor looked him over carefully, eyes full of worry and love. "Are you just going to stand there?" Troye asked in that adorable accent, raising an eyebrow. Connor laughed and wrapped his arms around his waist, noticing how they can almost wrap around him twice. Troye giggled and wrapped his arms around his neck, squeezing lightly. Connor pulled him closer and rocked him side to side, happy to finally have his best friend in his arms again. They pulled away, staring into each others eyes.
"I missed you." Connor said, rubbing Troye's arm softly.
"I missed you too."
Tyler watched them with a huge smile, eyes wide and teasing. "Okaaaaaay, that's enough." He walked between them and took Troye's bag from him. "Time to go home."
They decided that Troye would be staying at Tyler's house since he and Tyler would be filming a collab during his stay. Connor was a little disappointed, because maybe he wanted him all to himself, but they settled on it and he didn't want to come off clingy or possessive. So Tyler drove them there and showed Troye where the guest room was, even though Troye has been in his house many times.
"Tilly, I'm starved." Troye whined, pouting when Tyler mocked him in a failed attempt of his accent. "Someone should order us food."
Troye and Connor looked at each other knowingly. "Not it!" Troye and Connor exclaimed at the same time.
"Fuck you." Tyler said, rolling his eyes and walking out the room.
"I love you." Troye called out, getting the bird in response. Troye giggled and continued to unpack his clothes.
Connor watched him quietly, eyes scanning over his body, taking note of how tired the boy seemed, the shakiness to his movement. Connor frowned and gently grabbed Troye's wrist, spinning him around. He took notice of the little flinch Troye did. He rubbed his hands softly up and down Troye's arms.
"You okay?" Connor asked, eyes looking deeply into Troye's. Troye held his gaze, giving him a convincing smile and laughing.
"Of course I am, Con Con." Troye reassured, flashing his pearly whites. He turned back to his unpacking, sighing when Connor pulled him to sit down next to him on the bed.
Connor searched his eyes, noticing how sad the boy seemed. Those eyes never lied. "Talk to me." Connor pleaded, grabbed Troye's hand. Troye frowned slightly, looking down. He hesitated, but looked back at Connor. He smiled again.
"I'm fine, silly. Just a little tired." He leaned over to peck Connor lightly on the cheek. "I'm happy." Troye lied, getting back up to finish putting his clothes away.
Connor didn't believe him.

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