Chapter Five

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"Hi, babe." Troye answered quietly, voice shaking slightly. The voice on the other side of the receiver was aggressive, sending tremors through his body.

"What the fuck do you want?" The voice spat, making Troye let out a quiet sob, curling into himself.

"I just wanted to talk and hear your voice." Troye said quietly.

"You woke me up." I'm happy to hear from you.

"You're fucking worthless." You're my everything.

"I can't stand you." I love you.

They were just words he tries to tell himself. Words with no meaning.

"I miss you."

"No you don't." Troye flinched slightly, brows furrowing. "You're probably spending all of your time over there sucking dick and letting people fuck you." The voice seethed. "That's all you'll ever be good for." Troye whimpered. "Just a good fuck."

"I promise you, I'm not."


"I love you."


Troye cried himself to sleep that night.


"You okay?" It was the first thing Tyler said to him that morning, eyes deep with concern.

Troye smiled thinly. "Yeah, of course." He walked over and took a seat next to his friend at the table.

Tyler looked him over, eyes studying him for a moment. "I heard you."

Troye's brows furrowed as he cocked his head to the side. "What?"

"I heard you crying." He paused,"You were talking to someone too." He sighed, hand reaching out to put a gently rub Troye's back. "You know you can talk to me."

Troye bit his lip, looking anywhere but at his best friend. How do you tell someone that one of the people you trust dearly was the one causing your pain?

The only person who will ever love you.

"Tilly, I'm okay." Troye took Tyler's hand into his own. "I promise you." Tyler let out a breath as his eyes searched Troye's. Eventually he rolled his eyes and ran a hand through Troye's hair playfully.

"Okay." He got up from the table, walking to the door of the kitchen. He paused before he left, turning around to look at Troye. "I'm always here for you." Then he left.

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