Chapter Eight

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Troye's eyes scanned the room for more of his belongings as he closed up his suitcase. He groaned loudly when it wouldn't shut, and climbed on top to sit on it. He bounced on it a couple of times and tried to zip it up, whining when the zipper wouldn't budge.

There was a loud laugh at the doorway that startled him. He looked up and blushed when his eyes met Tyler's. Troye scratched the back of his head and looked down. "Need help?" Tyler raised an eyebrow as Troye nodded.

Tyler laughed again and walked over, successfully getting it to zip after a couple of attempts. Troye climbed off of the suitcase, letting out a breath.

"Thank you, Ty." Troye looked up at him. "For everything." Tyler shook his head and sat on the floor of the room.

"You don't have to thank me, you know I love having you here." Tyler's expression turned serious as he patted the spot next to him on the floor. Troye sat down next to him, giving him all of his attention. "Ever since you came back you've been acting different." Troye frowned and tilted his head slightly.

"No I haven-"

"Let me talk." Tyler interrupted. "Please." Troye sighed loudly and nodded his head. "I don't know what's going on back home and I don't know who you have in your life at the moment. If you would actually pick up the phone when I called you then maybe I'd know." Tyler glared at him as Troye looked down. "I know you don't like these serious conversations but I just wanted you to know that I'm always here." Tyler's eyes softened. "Whenever you need to get away, my apartment is yours."

Troye blinked away tears and he smiled gratefully. "Thank you so much, Tilly." He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "I wish I could tell you- trust me I do. Just know I'm okay." He frowned as the tears spilled over. "I'm going to miss you."

Tyler frowned. "Come here." He demanded softly as he reached his arms out for him. Troye burrowed himself into his neck and clung onto him tightly. "I'll go and visit you as soon as I can." Troye looked up with big shining eyes.

"Connor too?" He asked softly.

Tyler rolled his eyes playfully. "Yes, Connor too."

"I'd like that." They shared a smile.

"Ready to go?" Both of their heads turned to the door, eyes meeting Connor's. He smiled softly at their position. Troye pulled away and wiped his eyes one last time.

"Yeah, you're going to have to help me with my suitcase though." He laughed quietly. "It's heavy as fuck."


"Are you hungry?" Connor asked after they checked in his suitcase.

"Fuck yeah." Troye responded when his stomach growled loudly, making Connor throw his head back and laugh. Connor looked around the airport for any restaurants to eat at. His eyes lit up when they found a nearby Subway.

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