Chapter Thirteen

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I'm sorry this took me so long. Thank you for all of the comments and support. I left you guys hanging at a bad place. Enjoy! xxx

"This is all your fucking fault." Connor growled, body tense as his face began to grow red. From the Connor of his eye he saw Andrew also tense, body going rigid at his words.

"I didn't mean to." Andrew's voice was low, dangerous.

Connor bit his lip harshly, body shooting up from the waiting room chair to pin Andrew against the wall. Silence filled the room, families eyes growing wide at the exchange of the two. "Like you didn't mean to fucking hit him?" Andrew pushed Connor off of him, pushing him to the floor and holding his body down.

"He deserved it!"

"No one deserves to get hit!" Connor shoved the body off of him, standing up and glaring at the man. "He never deserved it." His voice was quiet, fragile. "Just do us both a favor and leave."

Andrew furrowed his brows and stood up as well. "I'm his boyfriend, you have no right to tell me to leave." He walked closer to Connor. "Why are you even here?"

"He's not yours anymore, get that through your thick fucking skull." Connor jabbed a harsh finger against his chest. "All you've done is hurt him."

"Oh yeah?" Andrew's nostrils flared. "What have you done for him?"

"I love him."


"The walls of hospitals have heard more prayers than the walls of a church."

Connor remembers hearing someone say that once, never really putting much mind to it. But now, sitting in this hospital chair for hours, watching all of the tears shed from families waiting for news of their loved ones, he understands. He's watched doctors walk in and out of the waiting room, either delivering good news or bad news.

There's been more bad news than there has been good news.

He's seen more tears than he's seen smiles and it was breaking him.

He has never prayed so much in his life.

There was a lady who wouldn't stop crying. Her sobs were so loud it was piercing through Connor's heart. Then her sobs turned into whispers of prayer. Over and over, she'd recite the same prayer.

Connor joined her.

He got up from the chair he had been sitting in for hours and kneeled down in front of her. He grabbed her shaking hand and prayed. He cried with her as well, both hearts hurting for the same reason. He understood her pain. He stood with her and wouldn't leave her side. He was there when the doctor came out to tell her that her son would be okay. He saw the pure look of relief on her face.

He was also there when the doctor told her that her son would never walk again.

Before she went in to see him, she had hugged Connor and said thank you so many times. She took his hands and said a prayer for Troye before leaving to see her son.

Connor knew Troye was not going to come out of this unscathed.

If he came out of this at all.

There was so much blood.

Connor's head shot up when he heard a door open and loud footsteps. His eyes met the doctors own serene eyes, taking notice of the look of pity and sorrow in them. His posture had bad news written all over it. He walked closer and closer to Connor, eyes never leaving his. His eyes were tired, probably from having to keep giving bad news all night. Connor's heart was in his throat. The doctor stopped in the middle of the waiting room, picking up his clipboard before taking a shaky breath.

"Maia Evans?" Connor released a breath, resting his back against the chair. He watched a family of four get up and walk over to the doctor. He watched their faces fall and the tears gather in their eyes.

Another one lost.

"Troye Mellet?" Connor stood up quickly, peeking behind the large family to see another doctor standing close by. He walked over quickly, sending out one last prayer for his boy.

"He's going to be okay."

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