Chapter Eleven

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It was all Troye could feel throughout his body. He felt disgusting and used but most of all, he felt pain. The morning sun was shining through the window, illuminating the room with light. The man that was lying next to him groaned abruptly, making Troye flinch as his grip around Troye tightened. Troye's body tensed and he closed his eyes tightly. He felt a kiss being placed on his neck.

"I know you're awake, sexy." The older man purred. Troye hesitantly opened his eyes but avoided his gaze. The man grunted, and nipped harshly at Troye's neck, making him whimper loudly. "Let me see that little body." He yanked the sheet away from Troye and kissed down his neck, sucking bruises onto his heaving chest.

"No more." Troye whimpered quietly. "Please."

The man chuckled and sunk his teeth harder into his chest. "Your time is up, Nick." Both Troye and the man looked up to the doorway, Andrew leaning against it tiredly. "Time to go." The man, Nick, groaned loudly and heaved himself off of Troye, but not without roughly cupping his cheek.

"See you around, sexy." He whispered, Troye's body shivering in disgust. Nick walked over to Andrew and looked back at Troye. "He was worth the money." He winked at Troye and clasped Andrew on the shoulder before leaving the room.

"You asshole." Troye seethed, tears shining his eyes. "What the fuck were you thinking?" Troye roughly pulled his hands against the restraints. Andrew walked over and untied his body. Troye sighed in relief when his limbs were finally free. They were sore from being tied in one place all night, and he had red welts on his wrists from pulling on it all night.

Andrew wrapped his hand around Troye's neck when he started to get off the bed and slammed him back down. "I made money." Andrew spit out.

"Using my body!" Troye screamed, he tried to get Andrew to let go of him but he just held on tighter.

"I bet you liked having his cock in you." Andrew seethed quietly. "You slut." He let go of his neck. "Don't ever talk to me like that again."

"I thought you loved me." Troye cried from the bed. "This is not how people in love treat each other, Andrew." Andrew looked over at him.

"If you really loved me, you'd help me make this money." He walked out the room, but not before calling out, "There's another man coming  tonight."

"Connor." Troye breathed his name out in relief. Seeing those gentle, kind green eyes and genuine smile was something he was looking forward to.

Connor's eyes softened. "Hey, Tro." Connor's eyes scanned his body from the other side of the screen. His eyes widened when they caught sight of the bruises littering his neck and on his face. "What did he do to you?" He growled.

Troye swallowed the lump in his throat. "I know I've been a dick and you tried to help me before but-" He took a stuttering breath. "I need you." Connor straightened up at those words, eyes concerned as he nodded his head.

"I'll be on the first flight out there." He picked up his phone, already searching for the next flight out to Australia.

Troye flinched when he heard the bedroom door open, making Connor look up from his phone. Troye turned to see Andrew standing at the doorway with another nameless man. This man was much older than the one from the night before. Troye didn't know if his body could take any more.

Andrew cleared his throat and glared at the laptop screen. "Troye, someone is here to see you." He fixed a hard gaze at Troye as the other man looked Troye up and down, licking his lips.

"I'll be done in a second." Troye gulped and waited for Andrew's nod of approval.

"Hurry up." He snapped and walked out of the room. The other man lingered at the door, eyes fixed on Troye's body.

"You are beautiful." He purred. "Worth the price." Troye felt like throwing up, having to swallow the bile that was traveling up his throat. The man followed Andrew back out.

"Troye, who the fuck was that?" Connor's voice was frantic. Troye turned back to the screen to see Connor already shoving whatever he could into his suitcase.

"I don't know, Con." Tears started to fall from his fearful eyes. "Please just get here."

Connor stopped what he was doing. "Babe." Connor cooed, eyes soft and concerned. "What was that man doing there?"

"He-" Troye took a breath, body shaking. "He's been using me to make money." Connor frowned in confusion. "I didn't know men would actually pay money for my body." Troye shook his head and wrapped his arms around himself.

"What?" Connor seethed, his face was red and eyes livid. "That fucking pig." Connor hid his face in his hands and shook his head.

Troye sobbed quietly. "Please don't think differently of me." Troye cried. "I don't want it. I promise I don't want it. But he won't listen to me." Troye wiped his eyes with the paws of his sweatshirt and shook his head. "I am dirty. No one will want me."

Connor looked up at that. "No, Troye. You are not dirty, you are beautiful; so amazingly beautiful. He doesn't deserve you, you hear me?" Troye nodded his head, shutting his eyes tightly. "I've wanted you for so long, baby. You know that. This doesn't change anything." Connor's voice was soothing. "You deserve so much more than this. I am never going to let this happen to you again."

"I love you, Connor."

Connor fought back his own tears at the sound of his distressed voice. "I love you too, Tro. Always." He quickly wiped a tear that fell from his own eyes. "Stay safe until I get there, okay?" Troye nodded his head. "Troye, look at me." Troye slowly looked up and met his eyes. "You're going to be okay."

"I'm on my way."

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