Chapter 7

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1st August 2022

I wake up with a slight headache but internally praise myself for not getting absolutely wasted last night. I'm heading back home earlier than the girls today as I've got to get myself ready for our friendly tonight.

I have a quick shower, pack my things and leave the apartment - writing the girls a note telling them I'd left.


I've just put on my netball outfit and thrown a hoodie over the top. I grab all of the kit we need for tonight and get ready for my commute to Milton Keynes. 

As I arrive at the arena, I notice Abby getting out of her car. 'Hey Abs!' I cheer strolling towards my coach. 'Bella, just the person I was looking for - ready for tonight?' 'Of course I'm ready for tonight!' I replied. With that Abby gave me pat on the back and we walked in together.

I was warming up just as the girls started arriving. I was stretching out as I saw Amanda and Holly walk in, a huge smile spread across my face and I waved enthusiastically. They soon came over to join me, 'how are we ladies?' I ask with a smirk. 'Not too bad' Amanda replied whilst copying Holly with some simple stretches. I am just bent over touching my toes when I hear Holly started laughing, I bend my head up and ask her why she's laughing. She nods behind me, I immediately stand up and snap my neck to look behind. That's when I see her, a rather flushed looking Leah Williamson. I wave at her and she calls me over.

'Hi Leah, how are you?' I ask. 'A little bit rough but alright' she sheepishly replies 'although, much better after having that as a view when I walked in!' She jokes back. 'Oh behave and take a seat on the bench if you like? One of the girls will keep you company I'm sure!' I say with a smirk.

We're just about to take our first centre pass - I look over at Leah and she gives me a wink. With that the umpire blows her whistle and we're off.

We're half way through and the score is 34-32 to us! We have a quick team talk and go back to our positions. The full time whistle blows and we managed to secure a win 78-64. 'Amanda - you were on fire!' I scream during our team talk. Amanda looks at me and gives me a cheesy grin.

As I walk over to grab my drink I'm greeted by a very smiley Leah 'well done today Bella! Mum was right - you can PLAY!' Leah said making me blush. 'And that was only a friendly!' I said in response. 'You know, I'm a bit upset with you Williamson' I frowned. 'Why's that?' Leah asked, concern growing on her face. 'Well, you never followed me back on Instagram' I sighed clutching my heart. Leah let out a hearty laugh and immediately got her phone out and followed me back.

Amanda soon came over 'right Leah, we better leave if I've got to drive you back home!' 'Yeah of course mum! You sure you don't mind? I can get the train?' Leah replied. 'You live in St Albans right?' I asked completely interrupting their conversation. 'That's right, how come?' Leah asked back confused. 'I live there too! I'm happy to take Leah with me if you like Amanda? You deserve the break after today's shift' I stated. 'Oh B, I don't expect you to do that!' Amanda answered. 'Honestly, it's no problem, Leah?' I said looking at the blonde. 'Of course not - mum go home and rest up. I'll call you tomorrow.' Leah gave her mum and cuddle and kiss and we both headed back to my car.

The car ride home was quiet, the only noise filling the car was my soft singing 'you've got a beautiful voice Bella' Leah said softly. I looked at her and smiled 'I bet you're exhausted' I replied. Leah's eyes softened and she hummed in response. 'You're more than welcome to sleep - I'll wake you up when we're almost home.' Leah mouthed a thank you and shut her eyes. I continued to sing softly, lightly rubbing Leah's leg to wake her up when we reached St Albans.

'Le, we're almost home' I whispered. Leah began to stir, rubbing her eyes she whined 'fuck I'm tired!' I looked at her, a sudden surge of confidence washing over me 'you know, you're more than welcome to stay at mine tonight if you want to. I'll wake you when we get there?' Leah nodded before closing her eyes once again.

'We're home' I softly said whilst rubbing Leah's cheek with my thumb. Her eyes slowly opened and she gave me a small smile. 'C'mon you, let's go inside!'

As I unlocked the front door, Leah followed me inside. 'How about a hot chocolate before bed Leah?' 'Oooo go on then!' Leah winked back. 'Livings rooms through there - make yourself comfortable!' I announced. I quickly made myself and Leah a hot chocolate before going to join Leah in the living room.

Leah was now much more awake 'your house is stunning Bella, what do you do for work?' Leah asked curiously. 'Thank you! I'm a primary school teacher' I replied with a grin on my face 'I really do love my job' I added. 'I can see, your eyes lit up when you said that' Leah said giggling. I blushed a little 'I'm just going for a quick shower - how about I grab some blankets and we watch a film after?' I suggested. 'Sounds good to me' Leah replied. 'Ooo there's snack in the kitchen, help yourself. I won't be long' and with that I rushed up the stairs and had a quick shower.

I can down with some blankets and a change of clothes for Leah. 'Here - something slightly more comfortable. Spare room is second door on the right when you go upstairs!' Leah gladly received the clothes and came back down a few moments later. We decided on watching Notting Hill after both raving about it being our favourite film.

I went into the kitchen to grab 2 bottles of water and some popcorn. When I came back into the living room I sat on the same sofa as Leah. I got the blanket out and laid it over us, not quite reaching over the both of us I moved myself slightly closer to Leah. 'Ready?' I asked looking up at her. 'Ready' Leah confirmed with a nod.

We were halfway through the film when I realised that Leah was fast asleep. I carefully got off the sofa and made sure the house was securely locked. I quietly cleaned up the living room and went to wake Leah. I crouched down in front of her and gently stroked her hand. She stirred slightly, I then moved and sat in the edge of the sofa, this time running my fingers through her hair. 'Le' I whispered. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me shyly 'I like that nickname' I giggled at her and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead 'let's go sleepyhead.'

Leah followed me up the stairs, I turned to face her but she tripped over the final step, I quickly caught her and we both started laughing. Leah straightened herself out but kept a hold of my hand. 'Mum was right you know?' she whispered.  'What do you mean? I replied breaking eye contact. Leah put her finger under my chin, stepping forward slightly and gaining attention once again 'you're incredible Bels' Leah stated. 'Bels, not had that one before.' I replied, my face getting more red as the seconds go by. Leah moved her hand to brush a stray hair behind my ear, she kept her hand behind my ear whilst her other hand played with my fingers. We both looked at one another, I looked down at Leah's lips and back into her eyes. This was all she needed before she slowly closed the gap between our lips.

It was slow at first, her lips were soft and plump. I could feel Leah's breath hitch, she gently pushed me against the wall, I pulled her closer to my body. As I pulled her closer she gasped slightly, allowing me the room to slip my tongue through her parted lips. The kiss was hungry, butterflies erupted in my stomach and my hands began to caress Leah's hips and back.

We pulled apart as we could no longer breathe. Eyes locked, foreheads touching and a smile on our faces. 'Wow' I whispered whilst giving Leah one last peck. 'Just when I thought you couldn't get any better' Leah said breathlessly. 'You've got no idea' I flirted back.

'Goodnight Bels' Leah whispered against my lips before giving me one last kiss before taking herself off to bed. 'Goodnight Le' I fumbled back and made my way into my own room.

As I got into bed, re-thinking the last few days in my head I slowly feel asleep with a small smile on my face. Little did I know what the morning would bring.

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