Chapter 35

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17th January 2033
Leah POV:

Under the glow of the evening's soft lights, I found myself pacing the length of our living room, the invitation clasped in my hands. The Elle Style Awards, an event that glittered on my calendar, now beckoned not just my presence but also a companion's. Yet, this wasn't just any event, nor was it about any companion. Tonight was about Bella, my Bella, whose world of chalk and lesson plans was a universe away from mine - floodlit stadiums and roaring crowds.

Bella, with her effortless grace and a heart unblemished by the superficial, had always stood a step away from my limelight. Our worlds intertwined in the quiet moments, away from the cameras and the clamor, in a shared sanctuary built on love, laughter, and the mundane beauty of daily life. I knew the proposition I was about to make would pull Bella into a sphere that was alien and possibly overwhelming. Yet, the thought of having Bella by my side, radiant and recognised as the essential part of my world she was, felt undeniably right.

I rehearsed my words, each sentence woven with the care of a poet, yet when I looked into Bella's eyes, all prepared speeches evaporated. Instead, honesty and love shaped my invitation.

"B," I began, my voice softer than the evening's shadows, "I have something I want to ask you, and I hope you'll consider it. The Elle Style Awards are coming up, and I... I would love nothing more than to have you by my side on the red carpet. I know it's not your world, and I would never drag you into something you're uncomfortable with. But it's a night where I can celebrate you, us, in all our colors. Not as a footballer and a teacher, but as Leah and Bella, together."

Bella's response came not in words but in the gentle touch of her hand reaching for mine, a silent conversation that spoke volumes. Her smile, cautious yet warm, danced with the possibilities.

"Leah, you know I'm not used to any of this limelight stuff," Bella started, her voice threading through the room with a gentle strength, "but I love you, and if this means a lot to you, then... then yes, let's do this. Together. But you have to promise me something."

"Anything," I breathed, a promise etched in the depth of my gaze.

"Promise me that amidst all the flash and sparkle, we won't lose sight of us. That this," Bella squeezed my hand, "remains our greatest adventure."

I answer was a kiss, a promise sealed in the softness of the moment, a pledge beyond words that no glitz could overshadow the genuine bond we shared. In that kiss, I vowed not just to protect our love from the glare of the spotlight but to elevate it, ensuring that the essence of our connection shone brighter than any camera flash.

The weeks leading up to the Awards became a whirlwind of fittings and preparations, a symphony of excitement tinged with nerves. I was accustomed to the public eye, and found myself in a new role, that of a guardian and guide, as I navigated Bella through the intricacies of a world so dazzling and daunting. Together, we chose outfits that spoke not of conformity but of the uniqueness of our bond, outfits that complemented without overshadowing, that whispered of love's quiet strength amidst the roar of celebrity.

Bella POV:

I stood amidst a chaos of fabric and colour, my dressing room transformed into a battleground where dresses and accessories lay strewn in defeat. Each outfit I tried whispered promises of perfection, yet none seemed to speak in my language, leaving me caught in a whirlwind of satin and sequins that felt alien to my skin. The ticking clock was a relentless reminder of the dwindling time, amplifying my stress as I sought an outfit that could bridge my world to Leah's glittering sphere. With every unsuccessful attempt, the pressure mounted, a tangible weight pressing down on my shoulders, coaxing doubts and fears to the surface. It wasn't just about finding a dress; it was about finding myself amidst the expectations and the spotlight, about stepping onto that red carpet without losing the essence of who I was. My reflection in the mirror showed a woman caught at the crossroads of visibility and vulnerability, striving to find her footing in a world where every choice felt like a statement, every fabric a facade waiting to be unraveled. I loved fashion and I loved getting glammed up but the pressure of this event was weighing heavily on my shoulders.

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