Giant: hey, did you see where I put my phone?
Tiny: ...your hand. Look at your hand
Giant: *look at their free hand*
Tiny: The OTHER hand!
Giant: oooooh!
Giant: ah, shoot, I forgot my shopping list back home
The tiny hitching a ride in their pocket: *have perfectly memorized the entirety of the shopping list*
Giant: ah, thanks, man
The tiny, back home, standing amongst a whole bunch of pop tarts and nothing else from the shopping list: this was NOT on the shopping list!
Giant: but they're SO much easier to make than a whole meal!
Tiny: Even I can cook and I barely had a stove before meeting you!
Tiny: hey, can I have some ice cream?
Giant: sure, it's in the fridge
Giant: what?
Tiny: you THINK I could open the FRIDGE?!
Tiny: ...what are you doing?
Giant, curled up in bed: I'm dying, leave me alone
Tiny: LITERALLY only have a common cold, you drama queen
Giant: what's 12+34?
Tiny: are you SERIOUSLY using me as a pocket calculator for a question THAT simple?
Tiny: ...46
Interviewer: why should we hire you?
Tiny, giving advice from the giant's pocket: endurance and confidence
Giant: insurance and the cornfield's dense
Tiny: *facepalms*
Giant: I'm not that forgetful and pay TONS of attention to little details
Tiny: then tell me, what's my eye color?
Giant: ...what?
Tiny: what's my eye color?
Giant: ... blue?
Tiny: yes, it's blue
Giant, sighing in relief: yeah, I knew that
Tiny: it's GREEN! We've been living together for two years now and you don't know my eye color is GREEN?!