A long time ago in a kingdom far, far away... well it wasn't far, it's the current one they're in, a beautiful girl married a man turned beast turned man again. That said man decided to unite all kingdoms into one, to hell with logistics, and to thank him, the people elected him as King of the 'United States of Auradon'. In a weird sadistic turn of events, the King decided to round up the villains- which brought some of them back from the dead- and threw them on an island that he called the 'Isle of the Lost'. With the help of Fairy Godmother, a magical barrier was placed to keep them locked away as a way to punish them. After he was done with his silly little side project, he decided to have kids, well one but he got two for the price of one.Benjamin Maurice Florian and Bella Paige Florian were born on October 5th, 1999. Sixteen years later, one of them was set to become the next ruler of Auradon.
Said twins were currently sitting next to each other in the castle's library doing their school work, it was the weekend and they decided to stay at the castle with their parents- who were out for the night to spend it together as husband and wife. It was nice and quiet until they decided to take a break when both their stomachs began to growl. Ben called down to the kitchen as Bella moved their schoolwork to the side.
"Does pizza for dinner sound good?" Bella gave him a thumbs-up as she looked through her bag.
"So, you're a few months away from becoming King, how do you feel?"
"Nervous, is it bad that I feel nervous even though everything I've ever done has led up to this moment?"
"No, not at all. You're not even sixteen yet, no one should expect a child to be ready to rule a kingdom. You'll do great though, everyone will love you."
"I don't think so..."
"Oh please, they already love you," Bella said, tossing a couple of magazines and newspapers onto the table. "'The Prince of Our Hearts Soon to Be King of Our Hearts: Read All About Prince Benjamin's Journey to Becoming Auradons Next King' or 'Auradons Golden Child: 10 Facts About Prince Benjamin', and today's headline 'The Peoples Prince: Prince Benjamin Gets Ready to Celebrate his 16th Birthday!' Woah, they've given you the title of the people's prince!" Ben groaned in response, he hated the tabloids and their constant need to write about him.
"Woah, fact number seven says you're an only child! What's even worse is that J.J. wrote this article, she follows me on all social media! Unbelievable." Ben peaked over to see if his sister was lying, and she wasn't. Nine of the ten facts on the page were false, with the only true one being that he played the piano.
"Auradon journalists are a joke! No, calling what they do journalism is an insult to actual journalists." Bella continued to flip through the magazines, it was sort of a guilty pleasure for her. "Titles like 'Auradons Golden Boy' and 'The People's Prince', you are so lucky. You could burn down the castle, and they would still love you. You truly are loved, Benny Boy." Ben ripped a piece of paper from his notepad, balled it up, and threw it at her. Bella let it hit her, she loved to tease him.
"You act as if the whole kingdom hates you."
Bella turned the magazine towards Ben, showing him a different article. "Younger people may like me, but older people do not! Look at this, 'Sweet Princess Turned Teenage Dirtbag: How Princess Bella Continues to Let the Kingdom Down', all because I wore a crop top that 'showed too much' apparently. This isn't the only article about me like this, there are plenty. If you combine all the articles that have been written about us, yours make up the positive ones."
Ben grabbed the magazine from her, and read through it. He never really paid attention to what was said about them, he avoided it as much as he could and only read the articles his dad showed him. He never knew they were this harsh to her.
Another Fairytale Story [REWRITTEN]
Fanfictionit's descendants but gay, and now written better than the first time. [evie x female oc]