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"Bella, I ..."

"We can use someone like Uma, someone from the Isle who cares about it!"

"That's not your call to make. You cannot go around making promises that you have no authority over, it doesn't work like that." Bella stepped back away from him, their father would be proud of him for a move like that.

"I had to do something," She tried to defend herself but didn't see why she had to, she hadn't done anything wrong. She was well within her right, isn't that why Ben had made her his right-hand man?

"No, what you should've done was stay with the others, now they have both of us." His tone was still harsh, but he had no room to talk, literally.

"I'm not the one currently tied up!"

"And you're trying to negotiate with the people who have me tied up, so I'm sorry if I'm a bit hesitant to agree to whatever negotiations you are trying to make." Bella couldn't believe him right now, Mal tried to spell him and he still decided to risk coming to the Isle to get her but now suddenly doing bad things did matter! Unbelievable!

"So what's your plan? How are you going to get yourself out of this? Or are you just going to wait for someone else to come get you because I'm good enough!" Bella was handing him a solution on a silver platter, why was he not taking it?

"That's not what I said."

"So what are you saying?" If he wasn't her brother Bella would've turned around and walked out by now, no pirate or sea witch would've been able to stop her. Ben said nothing, the silence stretched itself out until Uma came back in.

"Princess, out. I want to talk to him now, alone." Uma walked back in with Harry by her side. Bella looked at Ben hoping that he would see how this could be a really good plan, a step in the right direction for him, Auradon, and the Isle. She walked away from him and back out towards the front, Harry accompanied her and Ben was surprised that Uma had let her walk out on her own.

"Anything you want to tell me?" Uma asked taking Bella's spot. She had given them enough time to talk, he wanted to hear the offer from him.

"I get that you don't deserve this," Ben started but Uma cut him off.

""This?" This island is a prison thanks to your father. Don't pretend to look out for me because no one looks out for me. It's just me."

"So you don't think my sister was looking out for you when you two talked?" She laughed, of course she didn't.

"I'm not stupid, I know she has no say in this matter. She can say she cares all she wants, the final word is yours, not hers." Bella held herself up high but she was no one compared to Ben, his word was the law and she was only making promises the king wouldn't complete.

"It is, set me free and we'll go back together." Ben, despite having been harsh to his sister about it, was now using her solution. If Uma had given him time to talk earlier he could've made the offer himself this all could've been done and over with by now, or so he tells himself.

"Wonder where these sudden invites are coming from."

"You're a leader, Uma, so am I. Come to Auradon and be part of the solution."

Another Fairytale Story [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now