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Evie was relieved she had gotten to work on the vk's outfits for the coronation earlier, she was able to do a week's worth of work in one night and finished Bella's dress around six thirty in the morning. She had shooed away Mal and told her to stay with the boys, she knew Mal would've complained about the sewing machine being noisy and the lights being on. Without her there to complain, it was much easier for Evie to concentrate.

Before Evie went to deliver the dress, she decided to write her a note as well, just in case Bella wasn't awake yet or just didn't want to come to the door.

She looked at the dress one last time, she was proud of her work, she made a dress that she knew Bella would like and would fit her like a glove. Evie was good at what she did, she had a sixth sense when it came to fashion.

Before Mal had left the night prior, she had her conjure up a white medium rectangular box, which Evie also decorated. She made sure to use her time wisely right after lunch.

She folded the dress as neatly as possible, carefully placed it in the box, and placed the folded note on it. She closed the box, tied a red ribbon over it, and before she changed her mind, put on some red lipstick and placed the kisses on the bottom left corner of the box top. She was done, she was ready to deliver the dress.

Evie didn't bother to look at herself in the mirror, she didn't care if she looked unpresentable for once in her life, she just wanted to get the dress to Bella.

She left her dorm room and walked down the corridor to Bella's dorm, at the end of the hall where all the royal girls' dorms were.

At the door, Evie placed the box on the floor and decided to knock and then run away, that way if Bella did open the door at least she wouldn't reject the gift and make her take it back. The hall was deserted but she looked around regardless, the coast was clear so she knocked and turned back around and ran back to her room.

Evie didn't look back and slammed the door behind her, she took a deep breath and walked to her bed. She didn't bother with the fabric mess on the floor, she just wanted to sleep- and sleep she did, she was out the minute her head made contact with her pillow, and she wouldn't wake up till dinner time.


It was ten in the morning and the box had not been touched yet. Bella was still asleep, she hadn't heard the knock nor was aware there was something outside for her.

The box wasn't acknowledged until a little after ten when Ben arrived at Bella's dorm with coffee and muffins. He looked down at the box, he didn't even question it before picking it up and putting it under the cupholder already in his hands. He entered his sister's dorm, made a mental note to remind her to always lock her door, and placed everything down on her desk.

Ben walked over to the windows and pulled the curtains to let the sun in. It was a nice sunny day out, one couldn't tell it was already fall with this kind of weather still around. He contemplated opening the window but decided against it as Bella would probably push him out of it if he did.

"Ugh, turn it off," Bella grumbled, she grabbed a pillow and covered her face with it.

"Rise and shine, Bells. Tomorrow is Family Day and we cannot have you in a mood. So get up and we're going to talk about whatever is going on, up! Up!" He took the pillows away from her before she tried to whack him with them.

"Oh, there's a package for you on the desk, by the way, doesn't say who from but it's very pretty. If the colors are anything to go by, it might be from Evie."

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