Terminator (Remake)

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After defeating Victoria Vance the pups were about to celebrate, as the cops showed up to send her to the big house. Chase then took off his mask to show Victoria his face and everyone was in shock to see Chase do this, even Victoria was shocked to see this. 

"I hope that you will prove useful when we need you" Chase said, as the cops dragged the shocked Victoria into the truck. 

As the police van drove out, the pups started to go towards Chase, Chase then walked to his rig. Ryder knew it was better not to ask Chase about his past, but right now Ryder needed to know what was bothering Chase. So the pups went to the lookout as they headed into the garage they noticed Chase taking off his mask and about to throw it at the wall. 

"Woah, Chase" Ryder said, in front of the angry shepherd. 

"Ryder, get out of the way" Chase said, coldly. 

"Lets talk about this" Ryder said. 

Chase then dropped the mask and headed to the armory to take off his suit, and all the pups were confused about what happened. 

"I'll go talk to him" Liberty said. 

When Liberty was leaving to talk to Chase, Skye was starting to feel jealous and all the pups could tell. After looking about everywhere for Chase Liberty finally found Chase, he was on the roof of the Lookout. Liberty approached Chase quietly but she noticed that Chase was looking at the horizon of Adventure City and crying, after hearing Chase cry Liberty stopped being quite and jogged to calm down Chase. 

"Chase?" Liberty asked. 

Chase didn't answer Liberty and instead cried and just look out to the city in fear of what's to come in 5 years. 

"Chase, just calm down" Liberty said, as she rubbed Chase's back and held his paw. 

"Liberty...I'm...sorry" Chase whispered. 

"Sorry, for what?" Liberty asked. 

"For being a terrible dog" Chase said, as he cried. 

"Chase, your not a bad dog" Liberty said. 

Chase stared into Liberty's eyes and Liberty did the same for Chase and their hearts started beating faster and faster. Then the pups came from the elevator and they saw that Chase and Liberty were about to kiss, that's all that it took for Skye to rush to shove them apart. 

"What do you to think your doing?" Skye asked, in an angry tone. 

Chase then grabbed Skye by her collar and lunched her towards the others and did the same with Liberty. When the pups looked at Chase with shock he was standing in the middle of the landing platform, but when they heard a boom noise, they looked were it came from and it was from a banged up military jet. 

"You want, me come get me" Chase yelled, at the jet. 

When Chase said this the jet picked up speed which made Chase smile then he ran near the end of the runway. The jet then crashed which caused an explosion which sent everyone flying a little, then when the pups got up they noticed a liquid metal forming into a man with giant knives as hands. 

"So I guess we didn't finish you" Chase said, to the T-1000. 

"You just delayed me" the T-1000 said. 

"We thought you would return" Chase said. 

"I only see one of the people standing here know about us" the T-1000 said. 

"Look again" Chase said, as a helicopter came up behind Chase. 

"I did say, I'll be back" the pilot said. 

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