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Everyone was entering the classroom and everyone took their seats and then the teacher came into the room.

"Bonjour class," Francwa said.

"Good morning Francwa," Chase said.

"Thank you Chase, but you're probably wondering what's the homework, well...we aren't doing homework" Francwa said, as he was interrupted by the class cheering.

Chase didn't cheer nor was Chase sad he just wanted to know what he was doing but when the class was settling down Francwa spoke.

"Anyway, the principal wants to add a new thing in school, drumroll please...Ship-Day" Francwa said.

"What's Ship-Day?" Zuma asked, another student.

"Raise your hand if you know what a ship is, and not a spaceship or boat" Francwa said, raising his hand.

Only one person knew what a ship was and Francwa was very surprised by this, Francwa sighed and said "Chase, do you know what a ship is?".

"Yes," Chase said.

"Could you say what a ship is?" Francwa asked.

"Sure, a ship is a romantic relationship between two people or pups in a cartoon or real life," Chase said.

"Well explained Chase" Francwa said.

Everyone was currois on how Chase knew about this but the thought stopped when Francwa said "We are going to have a ship area where we could check out any ship but it needs help".

"I'll do it," Chase said.

Everyone stared at Chase but other students started to get in on the fun of making the Ship-Day things.

The Next Day:

Chase was putting stuff in spots they needed to go while everyone was talking a little bit about the computation. Chase didn't really care about the computation but Chase pictured himself with a girl and that struck Chase with a shock. Chase soon dropped the chair but grabbed it right before it made a sound, Chase got the chair in place and when School was done Chase left. Chase got in a car that was waiting for him and the car started to drive while Chase looked out the window.

The Next Day:

"Do you guys know who will win the competition?" Skye asked her friends.

"I just hope Marshall will ask me to be his ship," Everest said.

Marshall and the other guys walked by the girls and Marshall did a fake trip and looked at Everest and said "Everest,". Everest started to cry and helped Marshall up and hug him, and their friends cheered for him and later at the Ship-Day, people asked their crushes to be their ship. Skye asked many of the boys but they said no, but when Skye saw Chase, Chase looked at her in fear and speed walked. Skye followed Chase and followed him to the game area that said "Master-Chief & Cortana". Skye walked up to Chase and was about to ask "to be her ship" but Chase looked at someone else and said "Hey Tracker wait up".

"That's a real classic" Someone said.

"What is?" Skye asked.

"Not this game, but, some guy falls in love with a girl but they get hurt when the other girl finds love. Then another girl falls in love with the guy and he can't handle love so he drops his emotions" the person said.

"That's only on TV" Skye said.

"Is it?" the person said.

Skye soon left the gaming area and walked up to Chase but he walked away and Skye asked "Why?". Chase turned around and asked "What?".

"Why don't you want to be my Ship?" Skye asked.

"(Sigh) I can't say it here," Chase said.

"Can we talk about it elsewhere?" Skye asked.

Chase nodded and the 2 left the gym and Chase looked at a picture wall of every student in the school. Skye crossed her arms and waited for Chase to respond to her question.

"I'm broke," Chase said.

"What?" Skye asked.

"I'm broke, I can't handle love, I don't talk to have friendships, anything, it just kills me" Chase said, fighting the tears.

"It's because I had feelings for a pup...but...she liked someone else" Chase said, pointing at the picture of the pup he liked.

Skye stared at the picture Chase pointed to and Skye believed Chase's old crush was Skye's friend, Sweetie. Skye felt bad for Chase and saw that Chase was walking out of the school but Skye grabbed Chase and Chase cried into Skye.

"I want to know what love is, but I can't," Chase cried. 

Skye gave Chase a strong hug and when they were done hugging they stared into each other's eyes and Chase started to smile. Skye also smiled and the new ship started to hold each other. 

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