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You would think Skye is a nice and loving pup well here Skye is a bit too loving. Skye was dating Zuma and Rocky, but they didn't know that they both we're dating Skye. The only pups that knew Skye was cheating were Chase, Marshall, and several other friends of the Paw Patrol. But Chase had a crush on Skye for a while but when he saw Skye kissing Zuma he felt a lot of pain, Chase changed that night. 

2 weeks later:

"Chase, are you, (see's Chase slice a tree apart) n-n-neve-" Marshall then was interrupted by the tree crashing down. 

"So, want to tell me what's new?" Chase asked as he looked at Marshall with a cut in his eye. 

"CHASE WHAT HAPPENED WITH YOUR EYE!" Marshall yelled, in surprise. 

"Oh my new mark, cool right" Chase said heading back to the pathway. 

"Is this about Sk-" Marshall then wasn't able to finish his sentence, when Chase pounced on him. 

"Marshall, this is not about Skye!" Chase said as he looked at Marshall with a fire in his eyes. 

"Please tell me you didn't listen to a mental side of you" Marshall said, as Chase got off him. 

"I didn't, I'm taking charge now" Chase said, in an angry tone. 

When Chase and Marshall got to the lookout they noticed that the pups were playing tug of war. While Ryder was working on new gadgets, they noticed that Skye and Rocky weren't their. 

"Chase, look" Marshall said, as he was interrupted by Chase sighing. 

"I'll be at HQ" Chase said as he walked away miserably. 

Marshall knew that Chase will not be back to his old friend, loving self till Skye fixes things between the team. As time flew by on the next day the pups started to wander where Chase is? 

"Hey have you guys seen Chase?" Skye asked. 

"Phh" Marshall said, in an annoyed tone. 

"What is with the attituded Marshall" Rocky asked. 

"Oh, its nothing" Marshall said, rolling his eyes. 

"Marshall" Ryder said, getting upset a bit. 

"What?" Marshall said. 

"Where is Chase?" Ryder asked, the Dalmatian. 

"Fine, he went to the desert" Marshall said leaving the room. 

As soon as the pups heard about this they went to the desert. But Chase was contemplating the life he's in. 

"One, I can leave, or, two I can still lead the team" Chase said, to himself looking at the sun going down. 

But Chase was left with a short answer when Ryder and the pups came. 

"Chase ba-" Ryder said, as he noticed Chase's new look. 

"Wow, what happened to him" all the pups thought as they saw Chase's cut on his eye and his jacket. 

"Go away" Chase said as he looked back at the sunset.

"Dude, what happened to you" Zuma asked. 

But Chase ignored Zuma.

"Chase, this isn't like you" Rocky said. 

Chase did the same thing he did to Zuma, he ignored him. 

"Chase, just say something to let us know that you hear us!" Skye said, nearly screaming. 

"Say something, say something, you never thought to say something to either of them so you decided to lie to them Skye!" Chase said. 

"I-I don't kno-" Skye, then was interrupted by Chase yelling. 

"You know exactly what I'm taking about, so does everyone else, so how about I say it to your dates" Chase said, getting mad by everything that has come to him. 

Skye then was terrified that Chase and the other pups knew that she was dating Rocky and Zuma. 

"What are you taking about, Chase?" Rocky asks. 

"Skye, has been dating you and Zuma and never bothered to tell either of you, I and the others knew but it wasn't are place, but when I saw you and Zuma kiss Skye I was filled with hate!" Chase said, as all the pups were shocked to hear that Chase dropped the bomb. 

"Chase suw-" Zuma then was stopped by Skye. 

"Its true, Zuma" Skye said. 

"But why would you do this?" Rocky asked, Skye in a sadden tone. 

"I felt love between you two" Skye said. 

"Chase you might as well te-" Everest said. 

"No, my love for Skye is dead!" Chase said as he hoped on his motorcycle not regretting what he said (but he will later). 

All the pups were surprised to hear Chase's sudden out burst so they decided to head back to the lookout. When the pups got to the lookout all the pups were mad at Skye and well felt guilty for doing what she did. Chase he went into his pup house and through out all the pictures of him and Skye saw stuff flying out of Chase's pup house while she heard him crying. Skye then remembered that Adventure Bays Christmas Party is coming in a week, so she thought she might try to help the pups and apologize for what she has done, but Chase will be a challenge (I am not doing the apologies). 

A couple of hours before the party:

Skye was able to say sorry to the other pups and you would think that Chase got band from being apart of the Paw Patrol your wrong. Chase did what he had to do when the pups couldn't do what he said. 

"Hey, Skye, coming?" Rubble asked. 

"No, I still need to say sorry to Chase" Skye said as the pups nodded in approval. 

The pups then went to the party while Skye headed to Chase's pup house to only find that Chase wasn't there. Skye was about to panic but then remembered that when Chase wasn't fine he went to the woods to blow off some steam, so Skye then headed to Chase's woods. When Skye got there she heard crying and slashing coming from Chase, and when Skye got near Chase she heard him crying. 

"What do you want?" Chase asked, as he looked at Skye. 

"Chase, I just wanted to say that I'm deeply sorry" Skye said, as Chase moved away.

Skye then noticed a rock that had a arrow going through a heart being marked with an X. 

"Chase, I really mean it" Skye pleaded. 

Chase went to a tree clawed at it and Skye saw that it said "I'm sorry too". Skye was so structed by this she then pinned Chase to the ground and licked his cheek, it took Skye a moment to realize what she did then she got off Chase in worry. 

"I forgive you" Chase said as he looked into Skye's eyes. 

"Want to go to the party?" Skye asked and Chase said "Yes" in a whispering tone. 

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