Canis Major

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Y/N'S P.O.V.

Though you hardly got to see Kita during the wedding today, you're staying hopeful for the reception. On a rooftop overlooking the city, the atmosphere is absolutely beautiful. The warm breeze, the twinkling lights, and the view of the ocean beyond the skyscrapers all create a perfect backdrop for the celebration.

You walk across the venue, smiling politely at the other guests as you make your way through the crowd. You're looking for your name, trying to find your assigned seat. But as you scan the tables, you're disappointed to see that your name is not listed. It must be because you were so last minute.

You sigh and begin to turn around when a hand suddenly grabs your arm.

"There you are," Atsumu grins. "I was looking everywhere for you."

"You were?" you ask, surprised.

"Of course," he nods, leading you away. "I wasn't about to let you get away from me that easily."

"What are you doing, Tsumu?" you sigh, knowing where this is going.

"Oh, just taking you to your seat," he smiles, stopping at a table and pulling a chair out.

"But my name isn't on the list," you frown, looking around.

"So what?" he shrugs. "It's not like anyone's going to make a big deal of it. Besides, you should be sitting with your date."

"But I'm not part of the wedding party," you remind him.

"So? You know he'd be pretty bummed if you sat somewhere else," he smirks.

"Yeah, yeah," you roll your eyes.

"Just take the damn seat," he insists, pushing you down onto the chair. "And I better not hear a peep about it."

When you look to your left, Kita has a faint blush on his cheeks and he's shaking his head.

"He goes so overboard sometimes," he sighs. "I'm sorry, Y/N. All I asked was that if he found you, to let you know that I'm sitting over here. I didn't think he'd drag you to my table."

"No, no, it's fine," you laugh, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm glad I've got a seat."

"Just don't lose your date again, Shin," Atsumu winks at him. "Or next time I might not give her back."

"Fuck off," Kita grumbles.

"Hey, language," Atsumu tuts, waving his finger.

"Yeah, yeah," Kita waves him off as Atsumu walks off for the time being.

"So, what'd you think of the wedding?" Kita asks you.

"It was really nice," you hum, looking out to the ocean.

"Yeah," he nods. "It really was. And I'm happy that Samu and his fiance were able to pull it off so quickly."

"It's a bit rushed, don't you think?" you chuckle.

"Well, they've known each other for a long time," he explains. "And Samu has a history of falling fast and hard. So, I guess it's not that much of a surprise."

"I guess not," you nod.

Just then, Atsumu's voice calls out over the microphone.

"Hello, everyone, and welcome to the reception. I hope you've all enjoyed the ceremony, but now it's time to introduce the bride and groom," he announces. "And without further ado, please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Miya!" he calls out, earning a round of applause from the guests.

You and Kita watch as Osamu and his new wife make their way to the middle of the floor and begin to dance. It's a slow, romantic song, and they move together seamlessly.

"They look happy," you comment, watching them.

"I think they'll be good for each other," Kita nods.

As the song ends, Atsumu returns to the microphone. "Alright, and now it's time for a toast. So, here's to the couple of the hour. Cheers," he says, raising his glass.

"Cheers," the rest of the guests echo, following suit.

After the toast, another round of applause fills the air as the guests cheer for the couple. Then, Atsumu announces that food will be served, and a bunch of workers in white uniforms rush in and begin setting up the tables.

"That was quick," Kita chuckles, watching them work.

"They are fast," you agree.

As the waiters continue to set up the food, Kita turns to you.

"Are you hungry?" he asks.

"Famished," you nod.

"Good, 'cause the bride's family spared no expense," he smiles. "This is going to be one hell of a feast."

With that, the waiters begin serving the food, and the delicious smells fill the air. As the plates are placed on the table, Kita turns to you and gestures toward a piece of sushi.

"Here, try this," he says, holding up the chopsticks.

You take a bite, and the flavors burst in your mouth.

"That's amazing," you smile, swallowing.

"Yeah," he nods. "This is one of the best pieces of sushi I've ever had."

As you enjoy the meal, you talk with Kita and some of the other guests at your table including Atsumu. When the plates are cleared, a Japanese harpist begins to play a soft, soothing melody. The music is lovely, and the atmosphere is calm and relaxing.

After the harpist finishes playing, Atsumu's voice rings out over the microphone once more.

"Now, I'm sure many of you have wondered how I managed to pull off this elaborate wedding in such a short amount of time," he begins. "And I have to admit, it wasn't easy. But the truth is, there was no way I could miss the chance to see my little brother get married. And since they didn't want a traditional wedding, I had to do things a bit differently. But now that we're all here, and the food is served, I just want to thank each and every one of you who helped make this possible. I'm so proud of you, Samu," he says, looking over at his brother. "You deserve all the happiness in the world. And the same goes for you too, my dear sister-in-law."

Osamu blushes and hides his face in his hands, while his wife smiles brightly.

"And now, let's have the newlyweds come out and cut the cake!" Atsumu announces.


After the cake, you find yourself holding a glass of wine as the wedding party makes their way to the center of the dancefloor. Osamu and his wife, followed by their respective maids and groomsmen, make their way to the front.

The band begins to play a familiar song, and the guests cheer as the couple starts their first dance. It's a beautiful moment, and you can't help but feel moved by the sight.

They look so happy, and you smile, watching them dance. You think back to when you first met Kita and how he seemed so emotionally distant, but now you're here with him at his best friend's wedding. You suppose love is a funny thing.

The music soon changes to a more upbeat tune, and the rest of the wedding party joins in on the dancefloor. You watch as Atsumu pulls Kita into a series of ridiculous dances, and you can't help but laugh. You don't know if you've ever seen Kita look so awkward and embarrassed before. But it's endearing, and you can't help but find it cute. You're so happy that you're here to witness this side of him.

{WHAT'S MEANT TO BE} Kita x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now