Hazardous Ass Magma

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Tolkien: kinda missing nichole rn

Jimmy: download tinder

Craig: didnt u say that her breath smelled like green beans

Clyde: he's missing her five course dinner breath rn

Craig: thanksgiving special

Tolkien: i mean i like the green bean casserole but i started giving her gum when we dated

Clyde: anyways i just had a sex dream last night, it was pretty good.

Craig: I had a sex dream like five days ago, don't wanna talk about it though it was very intrusive

Clyde: did tweek start pegging u

Jimmy: maybe tweek started fisting him and it made his asshole blue

Tweek: I dreamt I got kidnapped and killed

Craig: ofc u did babe

Clyde: its probably not a rare occurrence that tweek dreams about getting murdered

Tolkien: oh yeah just normal things to dream about on a daily basis

Jimmy: nightly basis wink

Clyde: craig can u pls tell us what ur dream was about five days ago

Craig: no i swear i feel so traumatized from that shit

Jimmy: don't be a pussy

Craig: i literally dreamt about butters turning into a dog with multiple penises

Tweek: is this a form of subconscious cheating



Tolkien: wow i wish i had multiple penises... maybe that could get me multiple chicks

Craig: and then when that was over and all of a sudden i was in my room tryna smoke weed without getting caught it was so weird bro

Tweek: who smokes weed in their room

Tolkien: who puts meth in their coffee

Clyde: i want weed and meth in my coffee tf

Craig: clyde that would give you the worst shits ever

Tweek: not even far just straight up magma

Craig: omg it would like burn u if u touched it

Clyde: so like instead of my ass turning black and blue it would just crust off from the magma

Craig: ur stretched asshole is gonna turn even more stretched

Jimmy: u aint never getting pegged bro sorry to tell u

Clyde: bebe might peg me with one of her minty pussy tampons

Craig: go look at more of the honey pot tampons and see if there are actually other flavors

Clyde: mint berry crunch pussy

Craig: i want a mintberry crunch pussy wtf

Tweek: i have one

Tolkien: u don't have a pussy stop playing

Tweek: my assholes tight i can't even fit my finger in craig u want it

Clyde: sounds like hemorrhoids

Craig: if i try fitting my dick in there im pretty sure ur ass would bite it off

Jimmy: craig u better expect to lose a few inches while having sex with tweek

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