Malkinson And The Conservative Horse Fleshlights

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Author: i'm just having fun with this now

Craig: who the FUCK are you

Thursday, 9:26 PM

Clyde: guys now imagine if we were all normal we'd be talking about weather or some shit

Craig: that must be the reality tolkien wants

Tolkien: yeah, it actually is

Craig: okay wait so is nobody gonna talk about who that mf was

Tweek: who?

Clyde: ?

Craig: FUCK

Jimmy: guys i have this black cat that's been hanging around my house, what are some names i can name it?

Tweek: sprinkles!!

Tolkien: Sylvester, to carry on the legacy of that one dude who filmed his talking cats on youtube

Tweek: flowers!!!

Jimmy: nothing cute or faggy though, i hate the color black and i also hate rainbows

Tolkien: i know...

Craig: okay how about johnquavious prime

Jimmy: nah too long

Tweek:... gordon?

Tolkien: is it a girl or a boy?

Craig: oh i got one, montgomery cornelius

Jimmy: these aren't good enough

Clyde: what if we name it something human like, like paul williams

Craig: let's name it 13th amendment

Tweek: HELP

Tolkien: what's up with craig and these weird names he just pulls out his ass

Craig: sorry, peru is like idea central.. i can feel my prefrontal cortex growing from all this music they always play

Tweek: those damn peruvian flute bands.. *clenches fist*

Jimmy: i need something new, something out of this world, something— unordinary...

Craig: we can name it air compressor.

Clyde: i need a compressor on my ass cheeks

Tolkien: def for sure...

Jimmy: something shorter, i can't do these two word names

Craig: sodomizer

Tweek: yeah no

Jimmy: that's PERFECT

Tolkien: sorry but doesn't that literally mean anal sex

Craig: fuck, seriously? i thought it was just a badass name..

Clyde: is sodomizing each other how people at harvard have sex

Tweek: this is exactly why we shouldn't name the cat that name dude

Craig: tweek you wanted to go with sprinkles and flowers

Clyde: fr mf that ain't even badass

Tolkien: but sodomizer is?

Tweek: craig why name a cat sodomizer when you can sodomize me

Craig: i don't know

Tolkien: bro ALWAYS has to say that

Clyde: speaking of sodomizing i just found out how horses are made

Jimmy: by sodomizing each other?

Clyde: no

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