The Groupchat Reunion Special

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<Jimmy added Tweek, Craig, Clyde to the group chat>

Jimmy: Hey guys when's that lab due for biology?

Tolkien: why was i never even kicked from this group chat dude

Jimmy: lol cuz ur black

Craig: can you all stfu i have a fever and i'm tryna watch some tv

Jimmy: what show are u watching pookie

Craig: not a show... a movie

Tweek: he's watching E.T

Clyde: last time i watched E.T it was on the toilet 5 years ago

Craig: and you've been on the toilet ever since

Tolkien: is nobody gonna question how he shits out tar anyways?


Clyde: what?

Craig: shitting out tar is scientifically impossible

Tweek: i love it when u pretend to talk all smart it rlly turns me on babe

Craig: think i'm pretending..?


Clyde: remember what?

Tolkien: remember that clyde shits out radioactive substances? why?

Jimmy: clyde, don't listen to tolkien you do NOT shit out contaminated shit

Craig: okay but technically all shit is contaminated because it has bacteria in it

Tweek: keep going i'm almost finished

Craig: wait what

Clyde: hey what's wrong with my asshole?!

Jimmy: Clyde, nothing. absolutely nothing is wrong with your asshole.

Tolkien: okay.. but i swear on my dead grandma that clyde even broke his toilet last night also.

Clyde: i did that? jimmy messajed me saying it was the ghost of my dead mother seeking reveange

Tolkien: jimmy, that is such a bad lie

Craig: okay but is it as bad as clyde's spelling

Jimmy: craig aren't you supposed to be watching that movie where the alien molests the golden retriever dog

Craig: hold up wait what

Tolkien: this is not helping ur case slim jim

Jimmy: i'm not exactly slim just crippled

Tweek: craig can u dm me and tell me all the facts you know about space with complicated words and excruciating detail

Tolkien: there's no way tweeks getting off on any of this rn

Craig: babe i'll do that later

Clyde: WHAR

Craig: but like no E.T is not molesting the dog

Jimmy: but i could've sworn that dog gets touched inappropriately by ET

Tolkien: yeah honestly doesn't ET use his long glowing fingers to finger the dog

Jimmy: yeah, see?

Craig: wow you guys are pretty weird

Clyde: yeah that sounds fucked... but wouldn't it be funny if ET had a bunch of doglings locked in cages


Tolkien: did this mf just say doglings

Craig: did this mf just say edge streak

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