Butters Goes Nanners

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Clyde: Dude, Pc Principal wasn't joking about hanging up Craig and Tweek sexual awakening posters

Tolkien: Seriously?

Clyde: Yeah, dude, they're all hung around the school halls. and on the poster board.

Jimmy: are they having like intense sigma sex on it?

Clyde: i mean, they might as well be

Tolkien: i kinda wonder if they actually fucked yesterday

Jimmy: not gonna lie they probably didn't, given that they're autistic virgins

Clyde: aren't they not virgins anymore tho? i mean, they did have oral sex... which is sex

Tolkien: they're always gonna be virgins

Jimmy: they aren't fucking till there's penetration can't change my mind

Clyde: well then what do lesbians do

Jimmy: i wish i was a lesbian and in a lesbian relationship, i wish lesbians were real

Tolkien: lesbians are different, they don't need penetration because there's no option for it.. other than strap ons i guess

Jimmy: hold on, clyde i wanna see that poster board real quick

Jimmy: hold on, clyde i wanna see that poster board real quick

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Tolkien: holy shit there's a lot on there

Clyde: a lot of episode and fanfiction references

Tolkien: what?

Jimmy: hey, there's my poster!!

Clyde:.. the white supremacist one?

Tolkien: of COURSE.

Clyde: half the posters aren't even spelt right

Craig: oh like you get to judge, clyde you can barely spell ur own name

Clyde: at least i can read and i'm not fuckjg dislexic

Craig: at least i can spell dyslexic

Jimmy: are we not gonna ask about yesterday?

Tolkien: yeah let's cut to the chase. who was the bottom bitch?

Craig: guys... this is reaaalllyyy private information!! i mean it would be just.. SO embarrassing for tweek if i told you


Craig: well we kinda didn't go the full way cuz um we didn't rlly know how.. Tweek's not at school rn tho he's staying home out of embarrassment

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