Tweek Becomes a Victim and Stan Witnesses it All

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Clyde: schools already over and stan still hasn't noticed he's been invited to our gc

Tweek: he's gonna leak our chats... i just know it

Craig: he wouldn't do that

Clyde: but yk damn well if he did the school would be attacking us with pitchforks and torches

Tolkien: well i mean i don't think stans on his phone very often

Clyde: it's cause that bitch touches grade more than us

Craig: lol i touch balls lollll

Tolkien: the ice is getting to him

Clyde: its freezing parts of his brain and giving it frostbite

Stan: yo wtf

Clyde: he's here y'all

Craig: hi stan

Stan: girl why the fuck am i added to this group chat?

Tolkien: i kinda forgot whos idea it was

Tweek: it was urs u fucking bitch

Tolkien: it was?

Craig: it was mine btw y'all have extra chromosomes anyways stan don't scroll up too far you might see shit you don't wanna see

Clyde: yeah, like conversations about shit... literally

Craig: yeah and also us talking about kyles ass if u go up WAY far

Stan: what?

Tolkien: yeah

Tweek: pretty much

Clyde: sounds about right, it's either my ass or his

Craig: or tweek's, that should sum it up

Stan: do i laugh, scream, or cry?

Clyde: i do all three of those on the toilet

Craig: do u shit tar at school

Clyde: everyday

Craig: what about the magma

Clyde: only on thursdays

Stan: cartman shits sewage

Tolkien: isnt sewage just already shit

Craig: if you think about it we're all technically shit because our mom shat us out

Tolkien: that's not how birth... ykw nevermind

Tweek: do i smell like shit then?

Clyde: no u kinda always reek of pheromones

Craig: that's such a weird thing to say about my boyfriend dawg

Tolkien: ykw but clyde's right and like coffee cause he's always got that cup with him

Clyde: okay but like craig ur always the one cuddling him so u have to know what i'm saying

Craig: like.. his skin?

Clyde: i guess it's like skin but like his skin scent is very very pungent

Stan: just imagine an omega in heat or something idk what they're talking about but i think that might help

Craig: damn it. tweek are you a fucking omega in heat?

Tweek: only on thursdays

Stan: whys everything gotta be on a thursday with u guys

Craig: i fucking knew it

Clyde: okay but he literally smells like human skin but like i can't even explain it like it's not bad or good it's like.. pheremones

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