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TW: self h@rm, e@ting disorder

Emma's POV

I was sitting on my flight to Slovenia. I was gonna move in with my dad, which I was really excited about. I have missed him a lot since I haven't been able to see him much. My parents broke up when I was 5 years old and we were living in Germany. My mom was from there and that's also where my parents met. My dad had been on a work travel and they met and my dad just never moved back. He was from Slovenia so when they broke up he moved back here while mom and I stayed in Germany.

The reasons I was gonna move in with my dad was not as exciting tho. My mom had died a few weeks ago. She was shot when walking home from her job, and I can't decide whether I'm more mad about how she died or sad that she did. But after that happened I went to live with my grandparents for a little while and now I'm moving in with my dad.

Ever since the accident I've been struggling a lot. I've fallen back into bad habits when it comes to food and self harming. I used to do it a few years back but I had started to get it under control. It was of course still hard but I was able to manage it. But now it was like my whole world had collapsed. I didn't know what to do with myself anymore.

I had just landed at the airport and I was trying to get out of all the security checks to finally meet my dad again. It had been almost two years since last time and I was exploding from excitement.

As soon as I saw my dad I ran towards him, dropped all my stuff and jumped into his arms.

- dad! I've missed you so so much you have no idea.

- I've missed you as well sweetheart, it's so nice to see you again!

We just stayed there in each other's arms embracing every single moment. After a few minutes we walked out to the car to go to my new home.

It was already very late so when we got there we would more or less go straight to bed but we had a 15 minute car ride to catch up on as much as possible. We have of course talked almost every day, but you still miss a lot when you can't meet in person.

- so how are you doing with all of this? I know it must be really hard on you, and even for me actually. But if there's anything you need do not hesitate to ask me for it okey? I'm here for you, always.

- it's indeed really rough. It's like I don't know what to do with myself if that makes sense. It feels like I've lost control of my life and it doesn't have a purpose anymore. But I am really glad that I'm back with you, I think it will help a lot actually.

- I really hope so too. And you will also start a new school tomorrow, so I'm sure you will get loads of new friends to hang out with.

- I hope so, but can you go there with me, and help me find some teacher or something so I know what to do. Cause I might be able to understand most things in Slovenian but speaking is not really my strong suit.

- don't worry about that, of course I'll come with you. And about the language we will work on it at home, and then you will have some extra lessons with it in school since they know that you are not from here and don't know the language to 100%.

We had finally gotten to his house, and well mine too from now on. He gave me a quick little house tour since I've never been here before. Then lastly he showed me what would be my room. It was actually quite big and I even had my own bathroom. Or well not my own but it was right next to my room, and my dad had one next to his, so it would basically be mine.

I didn't have the energy to unpack my stuff right now, so I only picked out my toothbrush, skincare and a pajamas. That would be all I would need for now.

I got into the bathroom to get myself ready for bed. I honestly don't think I've ever been this tired in my life. I was just about to start brushing my teeth when someone knocked on the door.

- I'm guessing you haven't eaten anything today since you have been traveling for most of the day, so I made you a little sandwich if you want before bed?

I hadn't eaten anything today, at all. But I also hadn't been feeling too hungry which I was kind of surprised of. But I was also happy about it, it means I'm making progress. If I'm able to not get too hungry and not eat too much that would be great.

- I actually ate on the plane and before I was going on the plane so I'm good for now, but I could eat it for breakfast before school tomorrow.

- alright sweetheart I will put it in the fridge for you.

I finished up everything I had to do and went back to my room to put on my pajamas. My dad knocked on the door and then his head peeked in after I told him he could come in.

- I just wanted to say goodnight, sweet dreams and if you need anything you know where to find me okey?

- yea, goodnight dad I love you.

- I love you too.

I crawled into the bed, which was surprisingly comfy. My old bed was quite stiff but this was as if I was laying on a literal cloud, its amazing.

It took awhile before I was able to actually fall asleep. I was thinking a lot about how tomorrow would go. Will I really be able to make any friends? I will be the weird new kid, with a dead parent and doesn't know their language fluently. It's my last year of high school and people that age is usually not always the kindest type of people. But I didn't want my dad to worry so I decided that I will just pretend that everything is fine and will be going just fine. Or I'm doing that just to trick myself into thinking that, I don't know.



This will be my first kris fic so I'm actually very excited about that, and I've also been planning this for a little while so I really hope y'all will like it!

And I'm also gonna try and make a bit longer chapters for this one so I hope that's gonna be appreciated(:

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