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Emma's POV

It has been a few days since the sleepover now and everything is going very well. Me and Kris have been talking daily and he is like a complete new person. He's nothing like he used to be. He's kind and really caring. We have been starting to get to know each other for real this time which I really enjoyed.

We had planned that we were gonna meet up today and I would also get to meet the other guys as well for the first time since everything. I was a little nervous but I was sure it was gonna be okey, or I was trying to convince myself that it would be.

My dad was not home today cause he was on some sort of work trip so I was gonna be alone during the weekend. But Kris had said he's love to keep me company so we are gonna meet tomorrow as well.

Kris had said he was gonna meet me and then we would walk to Jan's place together. They had actually started a band together so Jan's place had kind of become their rehearsal space, so that's why we're going there. Kris had talked about the band a lot and that he wanted to show me some of their music which I was very excited for.

I was almost done getting ready when I heard a knock on the door. I got there to open as soon as I could and was met by Kris.

- hey, I'm a bit early so hope you don't mind.

- no no it's totally fine, I'm almost done but you can get inside to wait if you want?

We both walked inside, Kris went to the living room and I got back to the bathroom to fix the last stuff. It only took a couple minutes and when I was done I got out to the living room to tell Kris I was ready to leave.

We started walking towards jans house. Turns out he actually lived pretty close to me and it's only a ten minute walk there. It's kinda weird I haven't accidentally met him yet. It's not like I'm never outside and I bet he's not inside 24/7 either.

Kris seemed to notice that I was quite nervous and started to comfort me.

- you don't need to be nervous okay? Cause believe me they are as well, it will go very well and if you feel uncomfortable let me know and we can leave.

It did actually feel a little better, not good but I'm ready to at least meet them again.

We were standing outside of the door, and Kris did a quick little check on me to make sure that I was doing alright before knocking. It didn't take many seconds before the door opened and I saw Jan standing there. The feeling of not being as nervous anymore went away very fast and I was now extremely nervous again. Almost more nervous than I was to begin with.

- hey Emma, it was a long time ago, how are you?

- I'm okey I think, just a little nervous.

- you do not have to worry alright? Come on follow me inside.

Both me and Kris got inside, took off our shoes and then walked with Jan into the living room. There I saw the other three sitting in the sofa. I felt my legs slightly trembling and how my breathing got faster and faster by the second. Flashbacks from when I was locked inside with all of them alone last time started flashing before my eyes.

I woke up laying down on a sofa. The second I opened my eyes I heard some voices saying "she's awake". Apparently I had fainted and they had put me on the sofa waiting for me to wake up.

- omg Emma are you okay, what happened?

- yea Kris I'm fine, I was getting flashbacks I'm sorry.

- don't apologize, it's not your fault. I understand this must be really hard for you. Are you sure you still wanna be here?

- no it's okay I can do this.

A few hours have passed and it has been going alright. I didn't talk very much but I wasn't nervous anymore at least.

They had all said that they are very sorry and I have agreed on giving them a second chance since I have kris given one.

We had all decided that we were gonna play some board games. We were gonna start with monopoly, but two had to team up. I had ended up in a team with Jan and then the rest got to play solo. But luckily for me Jan was apparently really good and it went very well for us.

We ended up winning and we all just had a really good time. Turns out they all are actually nice if you get to know them. I know it'll be hard to completely forget about everything that had happened but I feel like we're onto a good start.

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