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Emma's POV

It has been a couple days since I met the guys for the first time since everything. It have honestly been going way better then I had been expecting. We have been hanging out quite a bit these days and we have all started to get to know each for real.

Today the guys had invited me to come watch their concert. It wasn't gonna be a big concert but I was still very excited. I have never really been to any concerts in my life and that it was gonna be my friends playing made it even better.

We were separated into two cars to get to the venue which was almost an hour away. I was sitting in a car with kris, Jan and bojan while jure and Nace went in another are with their crew.

It was quite early and I hadn't really slept much so I was really tired and had apparently fallen asleep onto Kris's shoulder. And when I woke up when the car stopped and I noticed I was on Kris's shoulder I immediately got embarrassed. Not that I really had any reason to be embarrassed cause he's just a friend and I was resting on his shoulder. Nothing too special right?

We had just gotten everything inside the venue and were waiting for their crew to get everything ready for them to do a sound check.

Me and the guys walked to the hang area backstage and everyone went to sit down, except from me. There wasn't enough space for me to sit down so I just stood up while talking to them. Kris signaled for me to come over to sit down but I was a bit hesitant. I didn't really understand what he meant cause there was clearly no space for me to sit down. But Kris wasn't having it so he stood up and walked over to me. He lifted me into the air while getting back to his seat and sat down with me in his lap.

I could feel my body going wild and I didn't know what to do. I don't even know why I'm feeling the way I am. It was all just so weird. I didn't want it to be weird between us, I just want us to be chill friends that are comfortable with each other you know.

I had been so caught up in my thinking that I hadn't even noticed that they all were trying to get my attention.

- hello earth to Emma! What're you thinking about, we have tried to get your attention for ages.

- oh sorry Jan, I didn't notice. I guess I'm just really tired.

- yeah I understand, we just wanted to tell you we have sound check no so if you wouldn't mind get off of Kris?

The second that sentence left his mouth I felt my cheeks go bright red. They all just smirked while looking back and forth between me and Kris.

The hours passed by rather quickly and it was now time for the actual concert. The boys were actually quite nervous but I don't blame them, I would be too. It's one of their first concerts that's in a venue. They have only done like 2 or 3 before but they were with around 400 people and this one is double that.

But the second they got on stage that nervousness seemed to just disappear and they started playing. They were really good and I had the time of my life. They had a couple own songs and they did a few covers. I was singing and jumping around for the whole thing. But I did get very exhausted tho. I don't understand how they're able to finish a gig without fainting or something.

The second that they got off the stage I immediately hugged them all and started to compliment them. I was very proud of all of them and they all seemed so genuinely happy.

Kris started walking towards me and grabbed me and started to spin around in circles. We were both giggling and smiling like two fouls.

- thank you so much for coming here with us it really meant a lot!

- well of course! How could I ever say no to this?

He just looked me deep into the eyes with a huge smile on his lips. He was honestly kinda cute. His face then suddenly turned a bit more serious and I saw his eyes flickering between my eyes and my lips before slowly closing the gap between our faces. The second his lips made contact with mine it felt like my whole body was made out of jello and my legs started going weak. He then broke the kiss while holding my face between his hands and looking into my eyes.

- you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that.



I finally have Christmas break which means I will have more time to write. But I'm kind of starting to run out of ideas on how to continue this one. So should I just wrap it up around here or do y'all have any ideas?

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