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Emma's POV

I had to get up at 7 am even tho it was only a Saturday. But my dad gets up around 8-9 so I don't wanna risk him getting up before me. I got out of the bed and walked straight to the bathroom. I pulled out my makeup bag and started to cover up the mark in my cheek. Today it was more of a green/yellow ish color. But it still hurt really bad.

It went even faster than it had last night when I tried it out. So I decided to take that extra time to fix my hair and find a cute outfit. Today me and my dad was going out in a little tour around the city since I've not really been out walking around here.

It was about 1 hour later and my dad had gotten up. He asked what I wanted for breakfast, but I lied and say I had already eaten. I knew we were gonna do a lunch out today so I wanted to wait until that. He seemed to believe me and just made himself a small toast before starting to get ready.

I didn't know what my dad had planned for the day so I don't know what I can expect from today. All I know is we will walk around town and eat lunch at his favorite place but that's about it.

Almost 40 minutes had passed and I started to wonder what my dad was up to. It never takes him this long to get ready. But just as I was about to go to his room and see what he was doing he walked out with the biggest smile.

- what took you so long?

- you will see later, it's a surprise.

I'm not a very big fan of surprises cause I always wanna know what's going on around me. Which I can't when there's a surprise. But just judging by my dad's facial expressions I knew it was something he was proud and excited about and I don't wanna ruin it.

We had just gotten to town and we had been walking around a little bit. The city was actually a lot more beautiful than I had expected. I hadn't had very high hopes about the day cause I'm not a big walking person but I actually really enjoyed it. The city was beautiful, the people were nice and the weather was amazing. I couldn't really ask for much more.

My dad had taken me into a clothing store. There was a lot of very nice clothes here actually. I've always struggled with finding clothes I really like. Cause I never found the trendy clothes very nice so finding nice clothes wasn't a easy task. But here they had more or less only clothes my style and I was happier than ever. I just walked around looking at every single piece I saw.

- okey so pick out three outfits you like okay?

- wait really? You don't have to do that dad I have  enough clothes already.

- I want to give this to you so please pick something out.

I tried to find something, and well finding things wasn't the problem. But to decide what I wanted to wasn't the easiest. A good 20 minutes later and I had finally picked out my three outfits and I was really happy about them.

After we were done in the clothing store we started walking towards the place we were gonna eat at. It was actually really close to the store and we just had to walk for 2 minutes.

We walked into the restaurant and I was met by a delicious smell. The place was very cozy and there were a lot of plants and most of the light came from live candles which gave it an extra cozy vibe. We was greeted by a man that lead us to an empty table. But when we sat down I spotted someone very similar a few tables away, kris.



A short chapter cause I haven't really had time to write but still want to get something out so I hope that's okey!

New kid - kris guštinWhere stories live. Discover now