
201 10 2

Kris's POV

I have been having a lot of struggles at home lately. My parents are constantly fighting and have decided on a divorce which they are currently working on. And it feels like my head is gonna explode any second.

And as if the stuff at home wasn't enough the guys have been talking a lot about what we could do to Emma next. But the thing is, I don't wanna do anything to her. Not anymore at least. After I've learned about her story I immediately started feeling bad for what I had started. But I was also scared of backing down cause I knew then I would get a lot of comments from my friends. So they have kept pushing this whole thing and the last time we did something it went way over board.

I regretted everything so much and I knew that it was my fault everything happened to her that day since I'm the one that lured her in there. But not only am I the reason for that incident, I'm kind of the reason this whole thing started in the first place. I'm the one who had the first interaction with her and from there it just went down hill.

Everything that was going on had just become way too much and I had decided to go to the place where I always go to just calm down.

I sat down at my favorite spot which was against one of the trees. I always sat here when I was feeling down. It's like my safe space.

I have been sitting here for almost 2 hours just listening to music and clearing my head. I saw a shadow of something coming closer and closer. I looked up quickly to see what it was and noticed that it was Emma. I looked away so she wouldn't catch me looking at her and pulled out my phone pretending to do something on it. I didn't want her to see me here, what if she would start thinking I'm weak. I mean who would go out to nowhere and just sit there all alone. No one does that, except from obviously.

She didn't come too close but still close enough for me to feel her presence. I wondered what she was doing here of all places. And especially since she didn't do anything. She just stood there looking at absolutely nothing.

A few minutes passed and I heard someone else getting here. I took a quick little peak and saw a girl walking up to her. I didn't recognize the other girl but from what I had understood they were friends.

They were just chitchatting a little before they both started walking away. Which I had also decided to do. I stood up and looked at her one last time. But just as I did she turned around and stared right back at me. I didn't know what to do and kind of panicked and just started walking away from there.

The plan with this whole thing was for me to clear my head. But it feels like it did the complete opposite. I was know even more stressed about the whole Emma situation cause I was started to think about what she would think of me now. And why was she here, why did she know about this place?

I just got back home and it seemed like everything that was going on before I left had calmed down. Or well not really, my mom had decided to go stay at my grandmas place for today. So I'm gonna guess on that they didn't come up with an agreement so my mom just left instead. But I don't blame her, I wouldn't be able to stand this constant bickering either. It drains you of every single bit of energy.

I walked up to my room and sat down on my bed. I saw that I had gotten a few new texts from the guys so I decided to go check what they had written.


The boys

I have a plan on what we could do tomorrow with Emma.

What do you have in mind?

We could print out a lot of pics of her that we got from this Friday when we had her in the classroom and put them up everywhere, it would be hilarious.

Omg yes please😭

You are a genius sometimes Jan.

I have a printer at home so I can fix all the pics

Perfect see y'all tomorrow.


I didn't answer anything to that cause I honestly didn't know what to say. I didn't agree on what they were planning but I'm too much of a pussy to say that cause I'm scared I'm gonna end up being the one being made fun of.

I don't know what I could do to prevent it without making it to obvious that I was trying to prevent it.

I had spent way longer than I thought just thinking and noticed the clock was already pretty much and I have to go to sleep cause tomorrow is a school day.

I got myself ready for bed and just hoped for the love if god that I would be able to do something so Emma wouldn't get to hurt cause I don't know if my guilt would survive that.

New kid - kris guštinWhere stories live. Discover now