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TW: e@ting disorder

Emma's POV

I was woken up by a knock on my door.

- honey you need to get up and get ready for school now.

I was really nervous about today and had no idea how things would turn out. I sat up and in my bed and started to look for an outfit in my suitcase for today. I found a pair of light blue baggy jeans and then just a regular black long sleeved shirt. I didn't wanna stand out too much and draw too much attention to myself for my first day.

I walked into the kitchen and saw that my dad had put breakfast on the table. It was the sandwich from yesterday and a glass of orange juice. I was honestly really hungry, but my head kept telling me "you don't need to eat". But I didn't want to worry my dad, so I decided to just eat a little bit and then just not eat anything else.

We walked out to the car so we could get to the school. It was not very far from here so it wouldn't be a very long ride.

We didn't talk much on the way there but I think that my dad sensed that I was a bit nervous. He had tried to comfort me a few times, but honestly it didn't help much.

I saw the school and my dad parked the car. The school was a huge building and it didn't not help me get calmer. How am I supposed to find my way around in there?

Me and my dad walked into the school together and we tried to find someone that could help me with where I'm supposed to go. A very nice lady walked up to us and introduced herself as Lucy.

- hey, I'm Lucy I'm the headmaster. You must be Emma, the new student right?

- yeah that's me.

- okey great, I will be taking care of you today showing you around a little so you do not have to worry about anything.

I said goodbye to my dad and hugged him tight. I followed Lucy when she started to walk away. She said we would first walk to my first class and after that she would give me a quick little round tour before she would go back to the stuff she's supposed to do.

She stopped in front of a door with the number 163.

- this will be the classroom where you will have most of the lessons for this year. And then there will be a few more but I'll show you them.

She opened the door and we both walked in. There were a whole class sitting in there and then a man standing up front.

- hey you must be Emma right? Come over here and you can introduce yourself to the class.

I looked a little concerned at Lucy but she just nodded at me signaling for me to go up to the man.

- okey class, so we have a new student that will be with us for this last year. Could you please tell us a little about yourself?

- okey, so my name is Emma I just moved to Slovenia from Germany to live with my dad. I think that's it.

- okey thank you so much Emma, you can go and sit over there.

He pointed over to a guy with light brown hair sitting in the back. I walked over there and sat down next to him. I didn't say anything to him since I'm not really a very talkative person. But he on the other hand was.

- why did you move here?

- long story.

- this class is long too, and boring so tell me.

- I don't think it has anything with you to do.

- wow your first day and you are this bitchy huh? Just tell me how bad could it be.

- my mom was murdered. Happy?

- oh yea right. You just want attention don't you?

- kris, quite.

The teacher thankfully saved me from keeping this conversation going. It has not even been an hour since I came here and I already have someone that dislikes me, can it get any better?

Class finally had ended and I was back with Lucy for the round tour. She asked me if my first class had went well, I lied and said it had. I didn't want to tell her about what had happened in there. Because then there would be a risk she would ask who, that then would lead to kris finding out I had snitched. Which I did not want to do, it would just make everything so much worse.

The little mini tour went by pretty quickly and when we were done it was time for lunch. She had took me to the place where everyone would be eating and then she left me.

I was not gonna eat but I didn't have any other place to go to so I just found an empty table to sit at while waiting for the next class. I was just scrolling on my phone when I heard some people coming closer and closer to me. I looked up and saw kris and 4 other guys. They all sat down at my table and started giggling. I tried to just let ignore them and mind my own business hoping they would leave soon enough. But they didn't.

- so how is miss attention seekers first day going?

- hello answer me bitch.

- what do you want from me?

- disappear, I don't know.

I did just as he said and was gonna leave. But just as I was about to walk away someone pulled out their leg infront of me making me fall. Everyone was looking at me and I heard the five guys laughing hysterically. I quickly got up and hurried out of there.

I walked into one of the toilets and locked myself in there. The second I locked the door I felt the tears running down my cheeks. I did not want to be here right now, and I do not want to ever come back. But I have to be here, every day for a whole year. I don't think I will be able to make it through this whole year if this will keep going like this. And this is just the first day.

I had stayed in the toilet the rest of the day and was now waiting for my dad to come pick me up. I felt my phone vibrate and I saw that my dad texted me that he was outside. I grabbed all of my stuff and walked out to where my dad was parked.

I got inside of the car and we started moving. I just wanted this car ride to end as fast as possible. Cause if my dad starts to ask to much questions I won't be able to keep it together.

He just asked me how my first day was and I had said it was okey, nothing too special. Which he seemed to believe. He knew I wasn't really a big school person and I was just there because I had to.

When we got back home I just went into my room. I went onto Instagram and saw that I had been tagged in a new post. I opened it and saw that it was the video of me falling earlier. I just felt like disappearing in that moment. Everyone would see what a loser I actually am. I do not want to come back there tomorrow. But I have to, unless I tell my dad. But I won't do that. I don't want him to worry about me more than he already does.

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