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Kris's POV

I had arrived a bit late for school which made me a bit nervous. I knew about the guys plan and if I knew them right they would have done it a soon as they could. And I was right, when I walked into the school I was met by loads of pictures of Emma on every single wall.

I saw Jan and bojan walking towards me with a huge grin on each of their faces. I just knew it wasn't a very good sign. They told me about how Emma had gotten into the school, how they had grabbed her and walked around with her in the school showing her all the pictures. They lastly said that they had let her go and left the school. I then knew I had to find her to apologize for all of this, cause even if I wasn't the one who did it, I still felt guilty about it.

I had been to her place but when I knocked no one opened. I stayed there for a little while before I gave up. The thoughts were spinning in my head and I was just thinking about whatever she must be going through right now. She didn't have an easy life when she moved here, and we haven't exactly made it any easier for her.

I had been walking around a little looking for her when I remembered the place I used to visit. I know that she knew about the place since I had seen her there before, and maybe she was like me and thought it was a good place to go when you needed to think.

When I got there I saw that she hadn't just gone here to think. She was standing on the edge of the cliff with trembling legs. I hurried closer but quietly so I wouldn't scare her and make her accidentally fall. The closer I got I hear light sobs and I could feel my heart breaking to pieces.

I went up behind her and quickly grabbed her before making us both falling backwards to get away from the edge. I had definitely caught her off guard since she was basically just completely frozen. Now after I could probably have done this in a better way cause not gonna lie my back hurts a bit now. But I just wasn't prepared to see what I just saw and just did what first came to my mind.

- damn it Emma, what the actual fuck are you doing? Were you just about to kill yourself huh?

I didn't mean that to come out as rough as it did but I couldn't help it, I was just very stressed about this whole situation and didn't know what to do.

She answered me with an attitude just as if I had done the worst thing someone could do. But I don't blame her, I can't even imagine the things that must be going on in her head right now. I do wanna do everything I can to help but I don't know how, so I'm just gonna try and be there for her.

I told her that I would take her over to my place just to get her to calm down. Mostly I just needed her to not be alone cause I was afraid she would try again. So I would keep her at mine until I knew her dad would be back and then I'll walk her back home.

We just got back to my place. She made it very clear that she didn't wanna be here whatsoever but I just couldn't let her go even if I feel like a horrible person making her stay at my place against her will. Especially since I know I haven't exactly been the nicest towards her.

I made her sit down in the kitchen while I made her something to eat and drink cause  knew she would need it after this, the adrenaline must have taken a lot of energy from her cause she's looking very tired. But when I got her her plate with food and drink she only drank and left the food untouched.

- hey why don't you eat something, I know that you need it. I get that you don't like me at all and that's totally okey, but please eat something.

- no, I'm good thanks.

- well I can see you are not good, is there a reason why you don't wanna eat?

I'm not blind, I can see that she is very skinny and she's skinner than she was when she started here which is honestly a bit concerning. I had some suspicions that maybe she have a hard time with food, but I don't just wanna assume anything so I was really hoping that she would open up to me. But I would completely understand if she won't.

- can you just leave me alone please, I have understood you won't let me leave but at least just stay away from me. It's not too much to ask for right? Especially since you have been an absolute asshole to me, so why would you all of a sudden care? It makes no sense.

- would you be okey with me explaining everything? You won't need to say anything I just want you to hear it okay?

- sure.

- okay, so the thing is I never wanted this to go this far. I know I started to pick on you in the first day more or less the first day, but I then learned you story and I regretted all off it. But the others didn't care, they kept pushing. I knew if I would back out I would lose all of my friends cause I would be viewed as the weak one so I kept going. And I know that's not a reason for me to keep acting like a dick but I did. I regret all of this deeply and I'm so sincerely sorry for everything. I won't be a problem of your life anymore and I will stay as far away from you as possible, and I'll make sure the guys does as well. So see this as a big sorry and I won't be here anymore, I promise.

New kid - kris guštinWhere stories live. Discover now