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Emma's POV

We have been waiting for the food for a couple minutes and I've been trying to do my best in ignoring Kris being here. But it wasn't very easy but when I looked up I saw he was already looking at me. But not in the way he used to, he looked more scared. Maybe he thought I was gonna tell on him or something since he was here with what I've understood his parents.

The rest of the lunch was really peaceful and not much happened with kris. He had just been looking at me from time to time and then they had left.

We had been out walking around for a few hours and we started to go back home. The day was very successful even tho I was a bit tired of all walking.

As soon as we got home I hurried into my room to try out my new clothes. I loved every single piece of it and I had some really cute jewelry to go with it as well. But while I was trying everything on I got a text from an unknown user.


Don't think that I've turned soft just because I didn't do anything today, see you.


I didn't need a name of who it was cause it was rather obvious. But I do actually wonder where he got my number from. I mean I don't think I have it out anywhere, or at least I haven't posted it anywhere. But talking about texts I just remembered the girl I had met last night. I hadn't texted her yet but I do have her number. I went to grab my diary and flipped the pages looking for her number. When I found it I started writing it down on my phone. I was a bit nervous not gonna lie but I did wanna send a message cause I don't wanna miss out on this opportunity to make a friend.



Hey, it's Emma the girl you helped. I'm sorry for taking this long to text but I was wondering if you maybe wanna do something tomorrow?

Hey, I'd love to when can you meet and where?

2 pm same spot as we met the first time?

Oh and also I don't think I got to know your name last time?

Yea that would be great, and my name is linda(:


I was very relieved when she had agreed to meet up and I was really excited about it. It would be my first friend more or less ever. I've not really been bothered by not having any friends cause people would mostly just ignore me. But here I don't only have any friends but I'm not ignored here. I get a lot of attention actually, but not any attention that I want.

But this whole kris situation is starting to feel rather weird. Today with the staring, it wasn't even any smirk or anything like that. And the other day where he was sort of nice. It just wasn't making any sense. One second he's pretty normal, almost kind even, and the other he's a horrible bully. I don't get it but something's up.

It's the next day and I get again had to wake up quite early to be able to fix my makeup before my dad would wake up. It wasn't very complicated but it still took some time since I had to do a few layers to get it fully covered. But today it wasn't as visible and it seemed like it's starting to go away. Still not enough for me to go without makeup but soon I will.

I was ready for meeting up with Linda so I was just waiting for time to pass. I decided to write a little in my diary while waiting. I did wanna write about the whole situation with kris last night cause there was just something really off about it.

I had ended up writing quite a lot actually but got distracted by my phone vibrating. It was linda that said she would be on the spot we had decided in about ten minutes. I went to put on my shoes and then walk to the place we had decided. I was starting to get a bit nervous for some reason. I don't get why, I mean I have already met her once and she's really nice. But I guess I just have a hard time trusting new people after everything that has been going on recently cause it has been a lot.

When I got to the place we had decided I saw that someone was already there but it wasn't Linda. I walked closer to see who it was and I got really shocked when I saw who it was. Kris was sitting on the ground against a tree. I didn't see what he was doing but I didn't wanna ask, cause I don't really want home to know I'm here. I just stayed a few meters away waiting for Linda to arrive.

After a few minutes I saw Linda walking towards me so I started walking up to her to greet her.

- hey Linda! How are you?

- Heyy I'm good, how about you? Feeling any better than last time we saw each other?

- yea a lot better actually, and thank you for everything you did for me that day. It means a lot.

- no problem!

We didn't really have a plan of what to do so we just started to walk and then we would see where we will end up. But just as we started walking I heard some noice behind us. We both turned around to see what it was, and I saw kris standing up and looking at us before walking away. There has to be something going on. He's not acting like his usual self and I don't know if I like it. Of course I happy that he's not saying or doing anything against me at the moment but I feel like there's something wrong and I can't help but wanting to find out what it is and then help him.



I currently have a lot with school atm so if I don't post as much that's why!

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