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Emma's POV

This morning my dad had to go to work extra early. Which means that I have to get myself to school alone. But it also means I don't have to pretend to eat which was nice.

I got out of bed and put on some clothes for the day. It was not very easy to come up with an outfit, cause I don't wanna have anything that stands out to drag more attention to me. But I also don't wanna walk around in sweats cause that will most likely give me some attention I don't want. I decided on just some black pants with a black top. Discreet but not giving " I do not want to exist" vibes.

I walked into the bathroom to do some light makeup. I do not want to look more dead than I actually have to. I know that you're not supposed to do your makeup for others pleasing. But if I don't wanna have people make fun of me more than necessary I kinda have to.

I had just gotten off the bus and was walking towards the school entrance. But I was not alone. A guy with dark brown hair walked up right next to me. I recognized him from my first day. He was one of Kris's friends. I don't remember his name tho.

- aw look who decided to come back. We have all missed you so much.

I tried to ignore him but instead the rest of their friend group had joined us. I was trying to walk as fast as I could to just get away from them, but one of them ran up in front of me, stopping me. They all were now standing in a circle around me.  I would lie if I would say I was not terrified, but I'm trying my best not to show it. I don't want to give them the pleasure of scaring me.

- you already know my name, but I don't think I've introduced the others right? So that guy there is Jan, and then bojan, Nace, jure. Have a great day now, bye.

Well that was kinda weird. Why would they just surround me just to say their names. They didn't even say anything bad to me. It just felt very odd.

I tried to ignore what had just happened and walked to my locker to grab my stuff for first class. I got inside of the classroom and I was the first one to arrive. Meaning I got to decide my place first. I walked over to a corner in the back of the classroom and sat down. A few minutes later the others started to drop in. Lastly kris came into the classroom. He spotted me sitting alone in the back and got a huge smirk on his face as he started to walk over towards me.

He sat down next to me, just staring at me. It was honestly quite creepy. The class started and it was going pretty well. Kris hadn't said a word and just looked at me from time to time. Maybe it won't be as bad as I had thought.

Class had just ended so I was packing up my stuff and just as I was about to leave I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw kris standing there.

- I just wanted to ask if you maybe could talk for a minute?

- yea sure.

I was really shocked about the fact that he was talking to me and not being mean. I don't know why but my gut feeling wasn't feeling great. But I tried to ignore it and just hope that he was maybe changing. But I really wish I didn't. 

I was taken to a room that looked like a classroom but it was pretty small one. In there I saw the other four guys sitting. Me and Kris both walked into the room, and then he locked the door. I looked at him confused wondering why he had to lock the door. I then saw that smirk from earlier making its way back onto his face and the others started to giggle.

- you thought I was gonna go and apologize to you or why to you look so shocked love. You couldn't seriously think that did you?

- let's get this party should we?

Jan walked up towards me and I had no idea what was going to happen next. I felt sharp pain on my cheek and it started to burn. I grabbed it with both of my hand trying to figure out what was going on. I didn't know what I going to do. I was locked inside of a room with five guys all with the intention to hurt me. I was fucked.

I had lost track of the time and I was just laying on the floor completely helpless. They had been hitting, kicking, spitting on me and just saying really bad stuff. And before they left me all alone they had poured a bucket of water over me. I had no energy to get up or even move. I was just laying there.

I saw a clock hanging on the wall and it said that it was almost 3. My dad said he was gonna pick me up at 3.20 but I honestly don't think I'll be able to get myself out there. I texted my dad saying that I was gonna go out with some friends and he doesn't have to worry about picking me up.

I went into the camera app so I would be able to see how bad my face was looking. And it was bad. I had a huge handprint on my left cheek after Jan had hit me. I can't go home where my dad will be able to see this. How am I supposed to explain to him what happened without telling what actually happened. I mean it's quite clear what has been going on and there's no way I'm gonna get away with it. I have to come up with a plan on how I'm gonna be avoiding my dad or maybe to cover it with makeup. I had no idea but I didn't have any energy to think about it now either.

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