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Emma's POV

It has been a few months now since everything has happened. And I'm actually starting to feel better again. I did tell my dad about everything just a few weeks later and he has immediately started to like for ways to help me. Which he was successful with. I've been seeing loads of different people that have helped me. I no longer hurt myself, I don't think about killings myself and I have even gotten in better terms with food. I'm starting to become actually happy again.

Things at school has started to get better as well and I have even made some friends. Kris has kept his word and I didn't see him in school anymore nor the other guys, which was a relief.

But now with everything actually turning for the better I felt a need to talk with Kris again, at least once. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here anymore and I feel like I need to thank him for that.

He may not have been the nicest most of the time but he still cared, he has too. He could have just let me jump, but he didn't. And he could also have just left me after stopping me, but he didn't do that either. He took care of me and made sure that I was safe.

I had made since plans with some friends and I'm supposed to be going to their place and spend the night there. I was really excited cause this would be my first sleepover in ages.

She has said there would be a few other people as well that I didn't know. I was a little nervous about that but I'm sure it'll be alright. I'm still a bit scared about taking or meeting new people cause I always think they will make fun of me or stuff like that. But I'm trying not to let those things get too deep inside of my head.

I was packing my bag and got everything ready for leaving. My dad said that he would give me a ride so I had 20 minutes before we were leaving.

I had just gotten to my friends house and I was standing outside her door waiting for her to come open.

- hi Emma come on I have to introduce you to my other friends!

I followed her into the living room and I was shocked when I saw those all too familiar blue eyes.

- Emma? What are you doing here?

- kris?

- If you want me to leave just tell me okay?

- no no, you don't have to leave. I was just not expecting to see you here, it was a long time ago.

- you two know each other?

- well I wouldn't say know each other, but yeah I guess we do.

- okey then, well then you have met and then it's Felicia and Kevin.

I introduced myself and then went to sit down on the couch. I sat down next to Olivia since she was the only one I knew, except from Kris but I don't really feel like sitting next to him.

We had been talking for quite a while when Kris asked if we could talk in private, which I said over to. I still wanted to thank him for what he did and this feels like the perfect moment to do that. I was a little nervous but I knew it would  be alright.

- so I mostly wanted to ask you how you are doing now with everything?

- I'm actually doing a lot better. I told my dad a few weeks after and he helped me to find people to help me and I'm doing a lot better now. So I also wanna say thank you to you for saving me that day, cause if you wouldn't have been there I wouldn't be here today. So thank you very much for that, I really appreciate it.

- don't thank me for that, that's what any human being with feelings would do.

- well I'm still very thankful for it.

- also, one question, I don't expect you to say yes to this but I've really missed you and I wanted to ask if you would be willing to try and start over. A clean slate and try to become friends. I know that the others would love that as well cause they have been feeling horrible about the things they did and the fact they never got a chance to explain themselves.

- I can't promise it'll work out but I would be willing to give it a shot.

- wait, really?

- yes.



So kris reposted my bass cover on his story? Literally the most insane experience which we will celebrate with a new chapter😌

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