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Emma's POV

I had finally been able to get myself back on my feet. I was still very sore but I still have to at least get out of here. I had told my dad I would be home late tonight so he wouldn't have to worry about me. The plan was to just find somewhere I could spend the rest of my day, and then when it was late and my dad would be asleep I could sneak back home.

It was very empty in the halls when I got out of the classroom I've been stuck in. I got to my locker to go get my jacket before leaving for the weekend. I heard someone walking behind me but I didn't think about it and just focused on getting out of here as soon as possible.

- this is only the beginning dear, don't forget that.

I got shivers down my whole body when I heard the voice whispering in my ear. It was one of the guys but I couldn't make out who, and I didn't wanna look at him either. I just grabbed my stuff and started making my way outside.

I've been walking for quite awhile trying to find a nice spot to sit down at. But I found a cliff with the ocean underneath. I sat down a little bit away from the edge and just sat there. Then I remembered I had brought my diary with me so I pulled it out and started writing in it.

I had been writing about everything that had happened today, I need to get it out somewhere cause it will be too much to just carry around in it all alone. I was also writing about how much I missed my mom. Not a single day had passed without I've been thinking about her. And it hurts more and more each time. I thought people said the pain gets better with time, but it doesn't seem like it. Maybe it's because I knew that if she was still here I wouldn't have to go through all of this with school.

I had lost track of time and I've been sitting here for hours just writing. The whole writing session had gotten very deep and I had know started writing plans on how I would end it all if it would get to bad. When I realized what I was actually writing I got terrified of myself. I dropped my pen and just stood up. I looked down at the book and started hysterically crying. I fell down on my knees hyperventilating trying to get air. But it was as my throat had turned into a straw and there was no air going in or out. I started to panic more and more which caused the breathing problem to just get worse by the second.

I had ended up passing out and when I woke up I was no longer alone. There was a girl sitting next to me. I've never seen her in my life so I looked at her with a puzzled face.

- hi I'm Valentina, I live down this road. I saw you laying out here all alone so I walked up to you to see if something was wrong and I noticed you were passed out. So I decided to stay until you woke up, how are you feeling?

- oh thank you, I'm feeling okey now do t worry. I'm Emma by the way.

- it's nice to meet you Emma.

- wait you didn't read that right? 

I saw my diary closed next to her. Which I know I didn't leave it in that spot nor was it closed. What if she read it? She will think I'm a freak.

- no, no I didn't don't worry about it. I would never read someone else's diary it's their own private thoughts that should stay private until they decide otherwise.

- oh okey good. But I actually think I need to go home but it was very nice to meet you. Would you maybe mind to write down your phone number or something? I'm new to town and need some friends.

- yea of course.

I grabbed my diary and pulled up the last page of the book where it was completely blank so she would be able to see what else I had written. After she wrote her number we both said goodbye and started walking back home.

It had gotten a bit later than I had expected since I had passed out. I don't really understand why I did pass out but I'm guessing it's a mix of me panicking, not eating enough and just being really exhausted from everything that has been going on.

I got back home and carefully opened the door making sure not to wake up my dad. That would be a disaster, he would be a bit grumpy and he would most likely see my cheek which was still very red and had started to shift into a purple/blue ish color. It hurts really bad and I know for a fact I won't be able to lay down in that side for quite awhile.

Before going to bed I had to see if I will be able to cover up my cheek and give it a little practice round. Cause I will have to wake up before my dad to be able to get up and get it done before he would be able to see it. The time for this to disappear won't be a very fun time.

I was actually able to cover it pretty well and it took about 30 minutes. It's pretty long but it could definitely had been worse.

I washed off the makeup again and got ready to go to bed. I've been waiting for this moment since I got out of bed this morning. This day has been very very long and thankfully it's over. And I also have two days off which means  won't have to deal with kris and the guys for a little while at least.

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