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Kris's POV

I had just arrived at Olivia's place. I wasn't the first to arrive and Felicia and Kevin were already here. Olivia had said that she would have one more friend over that we hadn't met yet, but I didn't mind that.

We heard faint knocks on the door and Olivia went over to open up. I heard Olivia and someone talking, and the other persons voice was for some reason very familiar. When they got out to the living room I knew why it was so familiar, it was Emma. I haven't seen her in ages and I've really missed seeing her. She looked so different, way happier. I don't think I've ever seen her smile. But the second she saw me that smile disappeared.

I got really shocked and didn't say anything for a while before I finally opened my mouth. I didn't really know what to say and I ended up asking if she wanted me to leave. But to my surprise she said she didn't mind. I was honestly not expecting that answer but I was really happy it was the answer.

We had been talking for a little while and I had spoken to Emma in private. I had asked her if she'd like to try and start over completely with me and the other guys as well. She did seem a little hesitant about it, but I don't blame her. But it wasn't a no at least so I still have some hope.

We had decided to order pizza and then we would watch a movie. But we realized we didn't have any snacks so Olivia asked me and Emma to go buy some. Not wanting to be rude we both said yes. I didn't mind it at all but I'm not so sure that Emma felt the same way.

We started walking to the store in complete silence. I didn't dare to say anything cause I wasn't sure that she would want to talk with me but I gave it a shot and tried to start a small talk. Which I seemed to be successful with.

We had almost arrived at the store and we had ended up talking quite a lot actually. She had opened up a bit about her life before she moved here and I learned a lot about her. She seemed to be a genuinely nice person. From what I had heard she was a very sweet and caring person, but now after everything have happened she had become a bit shy and with all that happened when she moved here didn't make it any easier.

We had finally gotten back to Olivia's place and the food had just arrived. We all went out to the living room and decided on a movie that we were gonna watch while eating.

I think my and Emma's little trip made this night so much easier. The vibe was really good and we were actually able to talk without her being visibly uncomfortable which was a huge relief for me. We were even able to laugh together. I felt like maybe it would be possible to actually work on this friendship as long as we take it slow. I know the other guys wanted to be friends with her too, but I think it's best to start slow with one person at a time and slowly build up her trust for us. Cause I know for sure it wouldn't be easy to get the trust back after breaking it this bad.



So sorry for not posting in quite a while but ours end of school and there's a lot to do, so it's a pretty short chapter but I just wanted to get something out. But I only have 2 weeks left and then I'll be able to post some more!

New kid - kris guštinWhere stories live. Discover now