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Look at you
Being so understanding and caring,
Reading people like open books,
Catching their vibes and altering accordingly.

You do so much for them
And they do the bare minimum,
Then act like they've done a lot.

You don't give up on people so easily,
You stay even when they are going through the worst storms.
But when you need them,
They leave so easily
And say that it's not on them.

You deserve someone exactly like you.
But look at you comforting people with the words that you wish to hear.

One day, you will receive all of this
And so much more from one person.
And this person wouldn't even
Make you feel like you're asking for more.

Just remember that,
If you happen to not find this person,
This person lies within you.

The day you start treating yourself
The way you treat others,
Is the day your soul will be the happiest.

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