fragile bonds

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Each morning, I swear to hold dear
The people I love, to keep them near.
I want strong bonds, gentle and true,
To care for those who care for me too.

But as the day turns bright and wide,
I slip, I hurt with words unkind.
My sharp tongue cuts, my anger flies,
And what was warm now quickly dies.

One step forward, three steps back,
I can't stay on the right track.
Friends drift away, family sighs,
I'm left alone with silent cries.

The mirror shows a tired face,
Lost and longing for some grace.
Inside me, a storm won't cease,
I struggle to find some peace.

Every day I try to mend,
To be a better, kinder friend.
But still, I fail, still, I fall,
Hurting those I care for most of all.

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