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TW: contains act of suicide. May be disturbing to some readers.

I'm not scared of heights.
In fact, I love heights.
I love the mountain peaks covered in fog,
I love the drop tower ride,
and the Ferris wheel.

But when I see a flight of stairs,
or when I see someone standing at the edge of the terrace,
my heart speeds up.
Fears creeps inside me like a thousand spiders crawling over me.
Perhaps I'm not scared of heights,
I'm just scared of falling down.

Maybe it's because of this one memory
that I have.
A memory of that girl.
She jumped.
She was about twelve years old,
in a grey trackpant and black t-shirt,
and her hair tied up into a tiny bun.
She walked along the edge of the terrace.
And suddenly, she jumped.
It all happened in a few seconds.
And I just stood there, staring.
As my legs shook
and my hands trembled,
as tears streamed down my face, with fear.


PS: This happened when I was young, when I was around eleven, I guess. All I remember of that incident is standing outside the building where the incident took place, and watching. I couldn't do anything. I just stood and watched. And the guilt of not being able to do anything, eats me up even now, after almost eight years of that incident.

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