The introduction

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Ok guys I am gonna take a little refrence from the anime hope u don't mind and I am gonna change small details of Goku like his height,age etc

Date unknown
Time unknown
Year 1986

Somewhere in the universe
in a planet there was a
raging battle against the saiyan and a person called
frezia and his soldiers
???:look out Goku
And boom a explosion goes off but the person manages to escape from the blast
???:you know u should be more careful of you goku
Goku:hehe thanks u saved me Vegeta
Vegeta:hmp u should be carefu-
Goku:look out there is someone behind you,Vegeta duck
By saying Vegeta quickly duck

Somewhere in the universein a planet there was araging battle against the saiyan and a person calledfrezia and his soldiers ???:look out Goku???:huhAnd boom a explosion goes off but the person manages to escape from the blast ???:you know u should...

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Goku:take that!
And Goku kick the person right in the heck knocking him out
Vegeta:it's one of frezia soldiers s
Goku:now we're even
Vegeta:grhh why u *sigh*nevermind let's rest here for a bit

Vegeta:i wonder where our parents are at they left us here But just as he finished saying that he saw two figures flying towards them Vegeta:Goku be ready!Goku:ok!But to there suprise it was their dad's???:hey calm down it's us ???:get up u fool s...

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Vegeta:i wonder where our parents are at they left us here
But just as he finished saying that he saw two figures flying towards them
Vegeta:Goku be ready!
But to there suprise it was their dad's
???:hey calm down it's us
???:get up u fool saiyans don't rest
???:woah calm down ur highness they must be tired we have been here for a long time
???:ok bardock

Vegeta:i wonder where our parents are at they left us here But just as he finished saying that he saw two figures flying towards them Vegeta:Goku be ready!Goku:ok!But to there suprise it was their dad's???:hey calm down it's us ???:get up u fool s...

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Bardock: Goku so what happened here when we were away? I can see a dead body there
Goku:that i knock him out
Bardock:good job
King Vegeta: get up son let's go now

Bardock: Goku so what happened here when we were away? I can see a dead body thereGoku:that i knock him out Bardock:good jobKing Vegeta: get up son let's go now

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Vegeta:ok dad
And all of them went to an unknown location
As they were flying they saw a female like figure flying in the distance aswell

As they went to her direction they could hear her saying something but they could not hear it properly say they went closer to her they heard her say ???:oh Goku! My baby ???:ohh i was soo worried about you my little baby boyGoku:oh come on mom Ba...

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As they went to her direction they could hear her saying something but they could not hear it properly say they went closer to her they heard her say
???:oh Goku! My baby
???:ohh i was soo worried about you my little baby boy
Goku:oh come on mom
Bardock:soo gine how was the day ?
Gine:it was as terrible as always I had to fight of frieza soldiers and blah blah blah
As she finished saying that she saw 2 person behind him and her eyes opened
Gine:oh my king Vegeta what brings you here?
King Vegeta: ohh us we were just taking a stroll with bardock here
Gine:ohh look at Vegeta he's so big now
And she picked him up like a baby and was petting him
Vegeta:let go of me women
King Vegeta: Vegeta u fool a price never disrespect someone like that
Gine: ah don't worry ur highness
King Vegeta: please forgiveness him rudeness he been like this since he was able to talk
By saying that he laughed
Bardock: so anything to eat I am quite hungry
King Vegeta: ok we will heading back now
Vegeta: Hmp bye
Gine: how adorable
Goku:mom i am tired of staying here can't we go to another planet or something beside here there is soo many other planets to go too
Gine:now now Goku when it will be the time i promise you we will get out of this planet soon
Goku with not that happy voice said "ok"
Gine:give me that big stick of your u don't always have to that wherever you go.You know that right?
Goku:but I love this stick
Gine :come on u can't carry this around the place this place is not that big you know
Goku: fine here
So he gives the stick to her mother
Bardock:hey Goku come with me one time
Goku:uhh where
Bardock:just come

Ok guys that all for today my finger hurt but I'll continue in another part

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