1.5:A not so normal night

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After all of that Goku just stood there hugging bonnie wondering if he over did it or not he looked at chiku she seemed happy and just nodded her head and smiled but then something shocked Goku i mean like litreally shocked zapped (yeah guys remember their powers i gave in detail)
Goku:ow I told you I'm sorry
Bonnie:now i feel much better he,he
Goku:soo feeling better?
Bonnie:not quite but still we can count it
Goku:the guy on the phone was wrong you guys aren't bad at all
Bonnie:i know all that guy does is lie about us and try to scare people away
Then all of a sudden Goku stomach began to rumble
Goku:*oh no come on stomach not really the time here*
Goku:uhhh I'll just go back to my office
He said while laughing nervously
Bonnie:ok and thanks again Goku
Goku:well it's no problem
After saying that he went straight to his office searching for something to eat but found nothing to eat he saw a pizza slice which was in his desk then he checked the time
Goku:hmm it's 4:25 there's still alot of time left
While eating the pizza slice he thought of how Bonnie's voice changed she could change her voice from a seductive voice to a cute voice which was her normal voice and after eating he went to do the task mairusu gave him in the paper and there were 5 task
Goku:ok now I'll clean the stains in fredrina later the second is pick up boxes and keep them in the ther correct order? Ok let's do this
So Goku went to the parts and services room and there were boxes scattered all around so as instructed he kept the boxes in ther correct place
Goku:ok now thrid is to clean the dishes?! Aw come on mairusu
He went straight to the kitchen where he saw chiku making pizza
Goku:oh chiku did not expect you to be here
Chiku:hey i want to ask you a question
Goku:yeah go on 
Chiku:are you really the Goku that helped us from years back?
Goku:*oh no* uhh yeah?
Suddenly her face turned red and she hugged Goku
Goku:*oh no is she crying*?
Chiku: wow after all this year's you finally came back
Chiku:and quiet handsome aswell
Goku:yeah I have something to do uhh I'll be heading now
Chiku:wa- wait
He rushed to the place where they washed the dishes and hide there while washing the dishes as intended
Goku: well look what I've done she must be angry i was liying the whole time
He countinued washing until he heard footsteps he thought it was chiku but lucky was not
Bonnie:hey Goku what are you doing there? You know I can see you right
Goku was trying to hide under a table
Goku:*phew it's not chiku*
Goku:yeah I was uhh cleaning the table
Bonnie:ok? anyways I need you to do something for me
Goku:what is it?
Bonnie:yeah about that I kept my guitar in a really high cupboard so I can't get it back
Goku:what can i do in that?
Bonnie:well since by your physic i thought you excercise and might be able to reach it by jumping
Goku:ok I'll try
They both went to the main stage where she kept her guitar and she was not kidding it was a really high cupboard
Goku:wow that sure is a high
Bonnie:so will you be able to reach it?
Goku:don't worry that's really easy
He then proceed to fly and take the guitar no knowung the consequences
Goku: here's your guitar
Bonnie:did you just f- fly?!
Goku:yeah oh wait i-
Bonnie:really just who are you?
He blew his cover and now he had to tell them the truth
Goku:*sigh* I'm just a guy who's in desperate need of money that's all
He said nervously
Chiku: just tell us who you really are Goku
Bonnie:don't worry we won't tell mairusu or anyone
Goku:to be honest I'm a Saiyan
Bonnie:a Saiyan?
Chiku:i think I've heard of it before one of the astronaut said he spoke with a Saiyan and no one believed him from a year ago
Chiku:he also said there were many of them just flying around in space with no space suit or anything like that
Bonnie:so you can fly around in space aswell?
Goku:yeah I guess
Bonnie:wow that so cool

(Ok guys let me break it up about their personalities so bonnie is on the playful side she likes having fun and chiku over here is like their mother she like takes care of them when their sad or bored and fredrina is currently unknown to my guess she is like a normal women who hates pervert people)

Goku looked at the time it was 5:10 realising he still have 3 task to do
Goku:yeah guy that should be enough information for today can i please go now?
Bonnie and chiku:yeah
Goku:anyways I have some task to do so I'll meet you guys later
The third task was to to clean the dining area
Goku:welp this just sucks

Guys listen to this bannger

So he started off by first taking a broom and cleaning since they don't have shit like vaccum cleaner here he didn't want to disturb the girls talking since this was his task
Bonnie:hey Goku want us to help?
Goku:thanks but no this is my task and I don't want you to get dirty since you're going to perform this morning
But she just took the broom from goku's hand and began to clean the floor
Goku:come on bonnie
Bonnie:hey why don't you go and do your other task while I clean ok?
Goku:*sigh* ok
He just smiled
Goku:ok next is to check the girls? What does it mean by that
He first went to his office where he saw a list of 3 papers on a cardboard with the girls picture indicating which places to check
Goku:oh so that's what this paper was for......
Goku:huh didn't expect this
He then went to the main stage and called the girls
Goku:yeah umm so I just wanted to check you guys
Bonnie:what do u mean?
Goku:here just check this paper
Bonnie read the paper and her face became a little red
Chiku:so do u mean you want to check if we are ok or not?
Bonnie:here th- that won't be a problem
She said nervously
Goku:ok bonnie let me see your ears
He touched her ears and it was quiet warm considering she is an animatronic and next was her face
Goku:ok please don't move im just going to check your face k?
So he touched her gently and Goku noticed that her face was all red
Goku:hey are you sick? your face is all red
Bonnie:no I'm fine just keep going
Goku:well nothing seems to be wrong with your face
Next was her body and this was where Goku had to be careful but lucky the paper did not ask to check their breasts
Goku:ok let's check your ribs
goku began to touch her ribs to see if anything was broken which made her more nervous since her body a was a little sensitive
Goku:well I guess that's that and now it's your arms turn
Goku quickly finished checking and he started with chiku but quickly finished with chiku because she was not making weird faces and her face did not become red so he finished quickly
Goku:phew now we're done with that you guys can go now
Bonnie:thanks i guess
Chiku:your begining to learn Goku hm,hm
She said teasting goku
Goku:dude come on anyways I'll finish the last task now
Goku:ok fredina it's your turn
But instead of going to fredrina directly he went to the kitchen to take wet clothes because he had to clean her up after taking the clothes he went to the main stage
Goku:ok fredrina let's get you cleaned up
So Goku took of her hat first even her hat was dirty so he first cleaned the hat then her face by rubbing with a wet napkin and then repeating the process with her other body parts and after some time she was all clean
Goku:there good as new but i think you will have to change your clothes they are kinda wet
After that he pet her in the head after putting her hat back
Goku:your really adorable with your hat fredrina ha,ha
Goku looked at her face and it looked like her face was a big red but he thought it was his imagination
Suddenly a sound of bells began to ring thought out the whole night club
Goku:guess my times up now
He went to the kitchen kept the things back and to the main stage where the girls were in the orginal place
Goku:well I gues this is good bye now
After saying he went to the back door and flew home

-To be continued-

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