The Arrival on Earth

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Soon after flying for like 7 hours of their finally reached blue planet but they crashed with a bang soo lound it was able to be heard for miles and miles away but thankfully nobody noticed except one person

Soon after flying for like 7 hours of their finally reached blue planet but they crashed with a bang soo lound it was able to be heard for miles and miles away but thankfully nobody noticed except one person

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Vegeta:*yawn* Goku hey Goku... Goku!
Goku:ahh huh who is there frieza is that you
Vegeta:no it's me
Goku:oh it's you why u shout like that?
Vegeta: nevermind hey let's go out
Goku : ok
So both of them went out and then boom fresh air blue sky and white clouds
Vegeta:this.. this place is magnificent.
Goku:wow i always thought of coming to a place like this.
Vegeta:but don't let that get to you we need to be careful we don't know who is out there,what is out there.
Goku: hey Vegeta i always thought of what is your saiyan name
Vegeta: my saiyan name?
Vegeta:ha i don't think your fit to know my saiyan name Vegeta is enough
Goku:aw come on Vegeta
Goku: I'll tell you my saiyan name it is "kakarot"
Vegeta:*kakarot huh it's surprising how your father gave you such a good saiyan name but it does not fit you*
Goku:Vegeta thinking something?
Vegeta: huh no nothing I was just wondering your saiyan name is good
Goku:wow thanks
Vegeta:but don't think I'll always be like this
Goku: ok
So both of them went on their way searching for any living creature or being but they were very careful no one saw them but then they saw something that they never saw before in their life
Goku: Vegeta look what is that thing it's moving on its own it has a kind of circle thing below it u think it's some kind of creature? (he is reffering to a car)
Vegeta:hey don't go too low something or someone might see you
Goku:oh sorry my fau-
???:got you!
Vegeta:ahh let go of him take that
???: woah such a little kid and u pack a punch
Vegeta:who are u calling little?
Goku: uhh Vegeta should I try to escape? he seems nice I don't think it's good to fight here
Vegeta: hey let him go or self
Goku:stop!! Vegeta stop what are u trying to do?
Vegeta:i am trying to save you here u dummy
Goku: don't... u will kills us both please Vegeta fighting is not always the answers
But the person who was holding Goku hostage was quiet suprised then he let go of Goku
Vegeta:Goku come here quick
Goku:Vegeta he seems old and he let go of me he might no be bad as we thought
Vegeta: what are u doing come back!
Goku:umm hello
???: hello young one -smiles-
Goku: -smiles aswell-
Goku:may I know ur name ?
???:my name ? you will have to tell me yours first
Goku: ok im Goku -Son Goku and that's vegeta
Vegeta:Goku! why you
Goku:please Vegeta come down he is very nice i like him
???: ur friend there seems to have some type of trust issue?
Goku:no he is just new in this planet that's all
???:*new to this planet? Is this ok and he seems to be wearing a type of clothes i never seen before*
???:oh sorry kid my name is Gohan
Goku:wow our name match !

Gohan: yes it does kidGoku:hey is there like a way I can call you in another way just Gohan seems too awkwardGohan:u can call me grandpa Gohan everyone calls me by that name Goku:ok grandpa GohanGoku:Vegeta please come down now Vegeta:* argh* ok f...

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Gohan: yes it does kid
Goku:hey is there like a way I can call you in another way just Gohan seems too awkward
Gohan:u can call me grandpa Gohan everyone calls me by that name
Goku:ok grandpa Gohan
Goku:Vegeta please come down now
Vegeta:* argh* ok fine I'm comming down but if that man tryes to even hurt us one bit I'll promise you I'll burn him alive
Goku : Vegeta don't say that just come down
Grandpa Gohan: so you two wanna go and get something to eat
Goku:sure I'm quiet hungry
Vegeta:*hmp* yes
Grandp Gohan: good let's go but follow me ok kids but I don't know if u should change your clothes
Goku:i don't think anyone will mind out clothes right?
Grandpa Gohan:hmm let's eat than u can change clothes
So they both followed grandpa gohan but Vegeta was close to Goku as he was still have doubts about him and finally after walking for some time they finally reached to a place grandpa Gohan home

Ok guys it's really annoying to write grandpa Gohan so I'll just skip Gohan and write grandpa k?

Grandp:so were here this is my home
Goku:woah ur home looks so nice
Vegeta:more like weird
Grandpa: hey you two kids can go and rest ok I'll make something to eat while u two can sleep
Goku and Vegeta both : ok
So grandpa showed them his room and they both went to the bed to sleep
Grandpa:ok have a good sleep
Goku:thanks grandpa
Vegeta: yeah yeah thanks .

So after that they both closed their eyes and after that it all went black and they went to sleep

Ok guys that all for today hope u liked it I'm still improving so please try to understand

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