The last training with Grandpa

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They were talking for a long time and they heard grandpa call out their name and they rushed to him
Goku:so we are going to start training now?
Vegeta:ugh my whole body is going to hurt again
Granpda:don't say that ok look
Granpda: you know Vegeta,Goku i have been hiding this secret from you for all this month's and I think it's time to you tell you
Goku and Vegeta:huh
Granpda: both of your father's came to me and told me to take care of you because they knew that freiza will eventually get them and they knew aswell you two will be able to get out planet Vegeta so please don't neglect your training your father's also told me that frieza will be comming to earth to find you and kill both you but I am not going to let that happen

Goku and Vegeta both were in shocked they did not know what to do what to say and what to think so they just stood there in shock and confusion
Vegeta:i....i don't know what to say
Goku:I feel like crying but I can't at the same time
Grandpa:i know you two must be confused, shocked,sad all at the same time but listen don't your emotions get to you your emotions are also one of your weakness
Goku and Vegeta they both shook their head and said "yes"
Grandpa:from this say on you two will take your training seriously understand?
Vegeta and Goku:yes we understand
Granpda:good now come lets start our training
Soo by saying that they start exercising again and grandpa began to show them some boxing and other martial arts move soon hours passed by they were meditateing they were both sweating but we're focused on what they were doing and grandpa clapped his hands
Grandpa:ok that should be enough for today come you two
But unlike the other days they were able to walk and they still had energy in them
Grandpa:good I can see both of you are improving
Goku:yes I'm becoming stronger day by day
Vegeta:but I'm stronger too bad Goku
Goku:no I'm am
Vegeta:no I'm stronger
Grandpa:now,now don't start arguing both of you are strong but you need to be stronger if you want to be best frieza
Goku:ok sorry Vegeta
Vegeta:yeah me too
Soo they went to take bath after taking bath they went to the kitchen to eat food
Granpda:here food gobble up
Goku:wait grandpa what's happening to the house that use to be filled with many people?
Granpda:you mean the shop ?
Goku:yes I guess if that what it's called
Grandpa:i did not hear much but I heard that they making a new pizza convention
Goku: what's a pizza convention?
Grandpa:it's a place which is like a shop but u can stay there for longer time and eat different type of food
Goku:is the food good there?
Granpda:yeah it's pretty good but they don't compare my food right?
Goku:yeah you's is the best right Vegeta?
Vegeta:yeah can't argue with that grandpa's food is the best
Soon they began to gobble up the food and went to bed
Grandpa: ok good night you two
Goku:i don't know what that means but good night to you too grandpa
Vegeta:Goku go fast I really need to rest my body hurts because of the training
Goku:yeah me too
Soon they went to sleep

Later that morning
Grandpa: you two wake up time
But Goku and Vegeta were still snoring which made grandpa smile
Grandpa:come on you two wake up
Goku:ok,ok I'm aweak
Vegeta:me too
Goku:what time is it ?
Granpda:10 in the morning
Vegeta:huh but you always wake us up at 12 in the morning
Grandpa:remember since you trained very well were are going to the new pizza convention
Goku:oh ok
Vegeta:I'll rather sleep
Goku:come on Vegeta it's gonna be fun
So they got out of bed weared their clothes and got ready
Granpda:umm Goku do you want to be power pole with you?
Goku:yeah I don't think they will mind
Grandpa:ok the let's go
Soo they went to the new convention after some minutes they reached the convention
Goku: "welcome to fazclaries pizza convention"?
Grandpa:yeah that what it says wow Goku your English improved a lot
Vegeta:what a wired name
Soo as soon they walked inside.

-To be continued-

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