The escape to another planet

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Vegeta:grrhh Goku! stop crying like a wimp we need to think of something to get out of this planet
Goku:but how frieza destroyed everythi-
Vegeta:shh i can see three figures Comming quick hide.
So they were hiding behind a huge rock but Goku aura was still showing
Vegeta:Goku ur aura go back to your normal from quickly u will give our position away
Goku:oh sorry
By that Goku went back to his base form
Vegeta:it's.... Oh no it's frieza and his soldiers
Goku:what are we going to do.
At this point they were the only saiyan left on this universe
Vegeta:let's wait for them to go away please Goku keep quiet
Goku:ok but I'm scar-
???:anyone here
???: no no body here all enemy's eliminated
Frieza:soo are u sure no saiyans are left ?
???:yes my lord no saiyans left
Frieza:good let's go back now i have more planet's to conquer
Frieza:come soldier 1 and soldier 2
Soldier 1 and soldier 2 both:yes sir!
Frieza:uh ho ho it was such a joy to kill those saiyans especially bardock and king Vegeta
Vegeta:*conrol your self Vegeta calm ur heart*
Goku:*grh frieza you monster*
After some seconds they flew away
Vegeta:ah Goku I'm surprised u managed to control your self
Goku:he he how about you how did you control your self ?
Vegeta:well my father trained me to contol my self and made me stronger but now he is gone
A tear rolled down Vegeta's eyes so he quickly turned the opposite direction and wipe the tear away but Goku noticed it
Goku: you know Vegeta me too my dad trained me to become stronger now he's gone but I am not gonna give up and your father is gone aswell but that does not stop
Goku-smiles aswell-
Vegeta:Goku i think their might be one space pod left
Goku:space pod what's that?
Vegeta:never mind just follow me
So they flew inside the palace but there were some obstacles but they manage to go past it and After almost an hour of flying
Vegeta: were here
Goku:woah i have never been inside a place like this especially your home
Vegeta:stop talking and follow me
Goku: ok,ok
Vegeta:here it is
Goku:woha it's really round
Vegeta: u fool it's supposed to be round
And Vegeta looks out the window because he is going to leaving this planet,his own proud and loved planet
Vegeta:*father im sorry i could not defend our planet an your pride but i promis I will defend my pride until my lass breath*
Vegeta:oh that reminds me Goku do u know the name of this planet?
Goku:umm no?
Vegeta:*sigh* this planet is called planet Vegeta it's named after my father because of frieza we are going to have to leave this planet
Goku:wow i never know im sorry Vegeta
Vegeta:don't be.... Now qick get on pod we have to get to another planet before frieza's soldiers com-
Soldier 1 : haha nice joke
Soldier 2: thanks
Vegeta:Goku be ready
Goku: ok...
Soldier1: so what did u eat today
Soldier 2: nothi- wait are those two saiyans
Vegeta:final flash!!
Soldier 1 and soldier 2 both: arghh!
After some moments both the beam waves made a light soo big it was Abel to be seen from above the planet but ofcourse frieza saw it and immediately charged to the beams direction
Vegeta: *breaths heavily*
Goku:ahh we... we did it
Vegeta:quick get in the pod before frieza comes we are going to the blue planet
So they both went in and after some seconds later the pod shit out in space heading to blue planet(Earth)
Goku:blue planet? Never heard of it before
Vegeta: Goku please now keep quiet and let me sleep in tired
Goku:ok me too I'm tired
Vegeta:good now go to sleep and I'll go to sleep aswell.

But someone saw them and u guessed it frieza and he instantly knew where they were headed to.

Well thats basically it guys if u have any like disappointment in my story then tell me in the comments in am gonna write and I'll try to improve

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