A new pizza convention?

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As soon as they walked inside they were met with an aroma which Goku and Vegeta never smelled before
Goku:woah this place is cool and it smells delicious
Vegeta:Goku is not kidding the smell seems delicious
???:please hold still sir
A person with a female body with a yellow colour skin who was twice as big as grandpa approached him Goku was ready with his stick and Vegeta was was also ready to fight
Grandpa:hey,now you two don't be so protective she won't hurt us
Goku:can we trust her ?
Vegeta:i don't know
???:scan complete
???:welcome sir to fazclaries pizza convention and what do we have here? are this two your kids ?
Grandpa:ho,ho you can say it that way
???:aw look at this little guy he looks so cute with his stick
Goku:hey what ur name?
???:oh my apologies my name is "chiku"
Chiku:your kids are soo cute sir
Grandpa:he,he well they are one of a kind afterall . So can you show us where we are going to sit
Chiku:yes please follow me
So she showed them where they can sit and went to do other stuff which gods knows
Grandpa:hmm a cheese large pizza should be enough
Grandpa:we will want a large cheese pizza please
Waiter:ok oke large cheese pizza coming right up!
So they waited and Goku and Vegeta were observing the area while grandpa eyes were closed as he was resting
Goku:hmm Vegeta this place is quiet nice actually i think we should come here more often
Vegeta:yeah that is true this place is quiet nice
As Goku was observing something caught his eyes it was a bear like figure but with a female like body pretty much like chiku's but she was brown colour and she was singing a song that Goku did not know of but her voice was smoothing
Goku:*hmm i wonder how many more of her are here*

Vegeta was straight up ignoring the place as he folded his arms and closed his eyes like grandpa and finally after like 10 minutes the pizza finally came and it's smelled delicious
Grandpa:come on now you two take one each
Goku and Vegeta both:ok
The second they took a bite

*Guys skip to 29 seconds *

Goku's eye opened there was a new livelyness in him
The same with Vegeta  it was the best thing that they ever tasted in their life
Grandpa:mmm this taste good wow
Goku:I feel like I am going to cry
Vegeta:i cant express how I feel right now
Soo they gobbled it up and took another slice after they finished eat they were really full even grandpa aswell
Grandpa:well that was the edible I have eat in years
Goku:me too
Vegeta:well I won't lie it's the best
Grandpa:you two go I'll give the money and come
Goku and Vegeta both:ok
Soo they both went on their way but danger came as they were heading for the door around 10 men with fire arm and combat knife cam inside shooting
Men1: everybody head on the ground right now
The whole crowd went crazy as soon as he showed his gun they were shouting and running around mean while Goku and Vegeta were hiding behind the counter with grandpa one men shoot his gun and shouted and the whole went silent
Men2: God damit everybody get down before I blow your brain off
Soon everybody had to bey and got down liying on the floor not even dared to lift their head
Granpda:you two this is the time you two to see if you training have been of use now you two go and try to distract those men while I'll try to call for the police
Vegeta: let's see what were are made of now
Goku:let's go!

*Music starts*

Goku:hey! you guys
All the men:huh?
Vegeta:you guys really think will rob the pizzas we love? That will never happen
Men1:now who do u kids think you are huh? I can kill you with my bare hands
Soo first Goku charged at the mens and used his stick to to disarm some of the men
Men2:open fire!
Vegeta:oh I don't think so
Vegeta was behind the man and punched him right in the guts and upper cut him
Which left the others sacred and they fired but he dodged most the bullets
Vegeta:ha! You think those tiny thing will do any harm to me  well think again
By saying he gran the man arm and swing him round and round he threw him to the other men knocking most of the men out
Vegeta:Goku you alright
Goku:haa! take that
Goku:yeah I'm fine that guy was the last guy standing
Vegeta:look out Goku! Duck down
Soo without even thinking he duck and he heard a gun go off and a bullet went just above him
Vegeta:how dare you !
He charged at him the man shot at Vegeta but it was of no use Vegeta took the gun from him and threw it and hit him with a reverse punch and an upper cut with a down slam which KO. the man

*Music ends*

Goku:well thats the last of him I guess also thanks you saved me again
Vegeta:hmp consider you self lucky
Granpda:ah kids are you alright? Have you been shot? I managed to call the police they are on their way
Goku:hey everybody you can all get up now it's safe!
Vegeta:just get up people stop acting like corwards
Soo everybody stood up looked at the sorrundings and realised that all the men were knock out
Grandpa: everyone this two are the heroes who saved the day!
And everybody began to cheer and clap their hands on what Goku and Vegeta just did but after observing the crowd Goku noticed the bear looking like women and chiku disappeared
Goku:*hmm their gone but where*?
Soon the cops arrived and the people told the cops that Goku and Vegeta defeated 10 armed men but they did not belive lucky there was a camera inside the building soo they watched how Goku and Vegeta beat the men and thus were rewarded a total $2000 money
Gradpa:well look what your training gave up lots of money
Vegeta:well atleast our training paied off
Grandpa:let's hear home now shall we it's beginning to get dark
Goku:bye everyone I hope all of you reach home safe!
The crowd:bye Goku
But as he was looking back he saw the same bear looking women staring at him but he turned back and just pretend nothing happen

-To be continued-

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