frieza's arrival and the final fight

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Granpda:ok go on now you two to the bathroom bath time
Vegeta and Goku: ok
They went to on and took a bath after some moments later
Granpda:ok now eat up you two
Vegeta: another boring day wasn't it?
Goku:i think the day was really fun beathing up those guys haha
Granpda:now now eat up you must be hungry
So they gobbled up the food asusual and went straight to bed

-The next day-

Goku:*yawn*huh it's morning already? Aw man
Vegeta:please let me sleep Goku
Goku:hey it's morning get up
Vegeta:grh why you
Goku:wait where is granpda? He always woke us up
Vegeta: that's weird
So they both ran of and searched for gradpa but he was nowhere to be seen by there was a note

Note:hey kids if your reading this I have gone off to the market to get thing to eat so don't worry but don't forgot your training
Goku:wow so were just going to be here alone?
Vegeta:that correct I guess and it's 3 in the afternoon
Goku:wow we've overslept ha ha
Vegeta:well let's start our training
Soo while training they waited for grandpa since they woke really late they had to start instantly and after some hours late
Granpda:I'm home
But no one responded
Gradpa:*hmm they must be still training that's good*
So he went inside and he was correct they were training and he looked at the time it was quiet late
Granpda:ok,ok you two that should be enough now
Goku:your back! I missed you soo much
Vegeta:hmp i don't do hugs
Granpda:ok listen here you two from today on you will be trained like this ok?
Goku:huh but we-
Grandpa:no but I know goku but now I have nothing to teach you
Goku:ah ok
Vegeta:well that suprising
Granpda: i know you two still want to Learn but now you have learnt finished and I'm proud of you two
Goku:well if your proud I'm always happy
Vegeta:me too I guess
Grandpa:i am going to make food now you two go take a bath
Goku and Vegeta:ok
So they took a bath and went to eat gobbled up the food
Goku: nothing is better that this right?
Gradpa:ha,ha you can say that now go to sleep but remember you will have to train on your own ok?
Vegeta:I'm going you comming ?
Goku:race you to bed
Vegeta:I'm winning of course
Soo they went straight to bed and this time the winner was actually Goku which made Vegeta really upset but they both went to sleep immediately

In the morning

Goku:*yawn* hey Vegeta wake up
Vegeta: let me sleep
Goku:look we have to train granpda will not tell us now
Vegeta:oh wait I forgot
Soo they woke up and trained for hours and hours until grandpa arrived and took a bath after that they eat food and went straight to bed this cycled for years and years

-20 years later-
Goku all grown up and Vegeta all grown up aswell but grandpa had sadly passed away which both of them will never forgot

Height: 6 foot 9 inches
Reasons why he is soo tall:he has been drinking milk

VegetaHeight:6 foot 5 inches Reason he has also been drinking milk but no enough

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Height:6 foot 5 inches
Reason he has also been drinking milk but no enough

VegetaHeight:6 foot 5 inches Reason he has also been drinking milk but no enough

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