Training with Grandpa Gohan

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Grandpa Gohan:Goku, Vegeta dinners ready
Goku and Vegeta both: *snoring*
Grandpa Gohan:they must still be asleep hmmm i wonder from where exactly did they came from
Goku:huh? Grandpa did u call us
Vegeta:Goku what is it now can't you let me sleep ?
Grandpa:come kids it's dinner time I hope you like my cooking
Goku:don't worry I can eat anykind of food even Vegeta aswell
Vegeta:don't bring me into this Goku
Grandpa:ha ha
Soon Goku took a sip of what grandpa made and it was quiet delicious actually
Goku:wow this is amazing i never had something this tasty in my life grandpa!
Grandpa: i am happy u likes it and Vegeta what about you? Why dont you take a sip aswell
Vegeta: fine
After Vegeta took a sip his eye widened it he thought to him self Goku was not joking it's really amazing
Vegeta:*what how can water be so tasty*
Well grandpa made soup soo it's technically still water right?
Grandpa: by the looks of your face it's good right Vegeta?
Vegeta:yeah yeah it's good i have admit to this one
Grandpa:geat let's eat quickly i want to teach you guys something
Goku:teach us something what do u mean by that?
Grandpa: you will soon find out just eat qick
After eat and clean the kitchen they went into a big room with had bags and meta bars
Grandpa: this is my training room
Goku:woah u train aswell?!
Grandpa:yes ofcourse but I don't train these days u know I'm getting pretty old
Goku:aw don't say that grandpa you still look young
Grandpa:well I can only imagine my self when I was your age it used to be the best days of my life
Goku:*he must really miss being young*
Grandpa:ok today I am going to teach you martial arts
Goku: marcical what?
Grandpa:no martial arts it's a form of fighting
Goku:of but i already know how to fight
Grandpa:u don't say wanna test it then ?
But Vegeta just kept silent in all the commotion
So grandpa gets into his fighting stance the "rock,paper'N'scissors style"
Goku:"huh what kind of style is that*?
But he did not mind it and he still remembered when he trained with his father
Grandpa:here I come
Goku:huh what did he just say
But he was caught if guard and got hit in the face
Grand:you alright kid
Goku:ow that hurt... But it was soo cool can us how me more
Grandpa:ok be ready then here's scissor!
So he hits Goku in the eye but not with much force
Goku:ahh my eyes
Grandpa:want to see more?
Goku:ah yes I want to see one more
Grandpa: then here is my last move paper!
And he hits him right in the chest with his palm which sends him flying back a little
Grandpa:oh my Goku are you alright? I did not expect you to be that light
Goku:yeah I'm fine *cough*
Then blood came out from goku's mouth but not that much
Grandpa:are you alright?
Vegeta:Goku ! Speak are you alright?
Goku :yeah I'm fine why are u guys worrying so much? it's just blood
Grandpa: phew ur alright that good well that should be enough training for today
Grandpa: you twofollow me
Goku and Vegeta: ok
Grandpa:ok follow me

-To be continued-

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