The death and rerival of Goku pt2

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King Vegeta: here this man will help him please let him do his thing he is the best man that help a thousand of my wounded soldiers
Bardock: ok gine I know it's difficult but u have to trust me please let go of Goku and let the man do his thing
Gine:no,no my boy is hurt I can't leave him like that
Bardock:please listen to me it's the only way to save him
Gine: ok
She said by years were still running down her face
So the man checked his body and touched his body to check for any broken bones and he was quiet suprise that Goku had no broken bones after getting hit by frieza energy blast no one even survived it and especially Goku being soo young and small
???: your son is just unconscious noo need to worry he is fine he will be aweake soon but he will need a lot of rest so please as soon as he wake up don't make him use his energy
Gine: really I'm soo happy
As she smiled her face could just say it all that she was really relieved and happy
Bardock:thanks you kind sir may I know your name
???:my name is doctor hero
Bardock:thank you doctor I really appreciate your help
Dr gero:well I'm glad to help anyways I'll be heading back now
Bardock and gine both:ok
In the distance Vegeta saw the whole thing but just put on an ingorant face and walked away
Bardock:ok we will be heading back now
Gine:thank you ur highness without ur and Dr gero help we would have thought Goku was dead
King Vegeta:it was my pleasure and please be careful out there frezia might be lurking out there somewhere
By saying they both flew out of king Vegeta palace and gine was holding Goku in his arm,after sometime they finally reach to their place and as soon as they opened the door gine quickly put Goku in his bed and made him rest now it was currently night so they both ate food since Goku wa sleeping they decided not to give food to Goku and just let him sleep
Now in the morning Goku was finally awake
Goku:ahh my head it hurts hmm where am I wait I am at my room
Goku:mom! ahh Mom!! Are u here, hmm she is not responding she is not home and if dad is not responding aswell they are both not at home
So Goku quickly got up from his bed and as he got up he felt like a livelyness in him it felt like a new type of power has was inside of him
Goku:huh is it me or I feel really powerful suddenly meh must be my imagination
So Goku went out of his out but to his horror the whole areas near his house was covered in flames even some flames were outside his house
Goku:oh no no no no
Goku:Momm!! Dad!!! Where are you??!! Oh no
As he flew to king Vegeta palace even his place was destroyed and covered in flames he quickly went to the palace but I was all flames and ruins he had question,mixed emotions he could think properly he thought he was going insane but then he saw a figure comming out of the flame and to his suprise it was Vegeta
Vegeta: huh Goku ur alive??!!
Goku: wow i thought all of you died i thought I was the only one left
As he hugged Vegeta tightly
Vegeta:ahh let go of me your embarassing me
Goku:I'm just too happy
Vegeta:just left me go
Goku:ok, wait Vegeta what happened why is ur home all in flames and what happened while I was away??!!
Vegeta: frezia and his army they attacked and ambushed us now we are the only two reamining left
Goku:what about my mom and dad and ur father ?? What happened to all of them
Vegeta:the- ahh my arm it hurts
Goku:hey rest now u don't have to tell me rest first
Vegeta: no u need to know this frezia killed both our parents ur dad and mother and my father
Goku was in shock he could no belive his life just crumbled down before his eyes and tears began to roll down his eyes
Goku:my mom....
Vegeta:go- Goku ur-

Vegeta:*his power level it's increasing in a enormous amount*Goku:ahh!!!Soon Goku was breathing heavilyVegeta:Goku

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Vegeta:*his power level it's increasing in a enormous amount*
Soon Goku was breathing heavily

Ok so guys that all for today I'll post again after some days I need to Focus on school shit now

Ok an guys ** 👈means thinking  k ?

Goku: man i don't like working in frenni's pizza convention
K guys?

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