A legend trying to get a job

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So Goku went home and when he did I was already dark in the night so it was easy to hide from people to see him
Goku:ah my whole body hurts well I guess I have to live all alone now I guess
So he went up to the kitchen made something to eat and quickly ate it finish he then went to take a bath and he saw just blood covered his body and washed it off
Goku: i think I'm going to have to go to a doctor*sigh*
After that he went outside and sat in the grass looking at the stars
Goku:am i really going to all alone like this forever? I sure miss you guys
Goku almost cryed after remembering how frieza mercylessly killed vageta
Goku:i hope i atleast have enough money to last me a few months
Unfortunately he had only money that will last him one week
After that he went inside grandpa's house and just went straight to bed and slept
In his dream he saw what appeared to be granpda
Goku was in a room of nothingness litreally he was just standing there but suddenly he saw someone it was granpda
Goku: granpda is that you?
Grandpa:don't worry my boy it is me
Goku:wow after all this year's you came back?
He immediately went to hug him he then fell to his knees and huged him
Granpda: listen here Goku i want you to know 3 three important points while fighting that will have you
Granpda: breath,calm you heart and focus on your head this will help you concentrate on who and what your fighting
Goku:how will that help me fight?
Granpda:just train with what I just told you and you will understand
Goku:wait! How will I know I'm ready??
Granpda:you won't it's a leap of faith son remember that (spider man refrence)
Goku then woke up from his dream then smiled
In the morning
Goku:thanks granpda I'll always remember what you just told me
He then went to the bath room washed his face and brused his teeth after that he went straight to the kitchen to make food ate the food And looked at the time it was 12:9 and it was not his training so he quickly ate the food up and went outside to take a walk
Goku:just like grandpa said taking a walk after eating will help quicker in digestion
He actually did not know where to go and just walked around the city and then something strucked him he remembered about the pizza convention from years back but I don't think it's name is still the same
Goku:hmm i wonder if they will still remember me but I don't want to cause chaos there by telling I'm Goku
He had to think if a way
Goku:aha! I got it I'll just lie about my name but I'll go and change my clothes first
Typical Goku here
He went straight to home and while on the way a newspaper landed on his fance he read it
Goku:ishowspeed is going to have a 1v1 match between Messi and Ronaldo?! Who are they
And on the others side it read :

So Goku went home and when he did I was already dark in the night so it was easy to hide from people to see him Goku:ah my whole body hurts well I guess I have to live all alone now I guess So he went up to the kitchen made something to eat and qu...

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Goku:what!? $150 a week i have to take this I have no money right now
He ran home at lightning speed and did not notice people were looking at him but It did not make any difference as he was so fast that they did not see his face nor his clothes after reaching home he quickly change his clothes and he realised he did not even have that thing called phone

So he went straight to the convention (but guys let's call it a club now since they changed the name) so he went to the club and immediately as soon as he entered he was met with a smell if a familiar smell it was pizzaGoku:wow the smell of pizza ...

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So he went straight to the convention (but guys let's call it a club now since they changed the name) so he went to the club and immediately as soon as he entered he was met with a smell if a familiar smell it was pizza
Goku:wow the smell of pizza never gets old does it?
But then he saw that the whole area change their were decoration and a Christmas tree? And the animatronics which he know as women also changed their clothes
So he went inside knowing the disaster he hide his face a little so he could see but the Someone covered his eyes from behind Goku knew how to counter it but he did not want to hurt anyone
Goku:umm hello?
???:got you didn't i?
Goku:could you atleast take your hands of so I can see?
Goku turned and realised it was chiku and he almost straight up huged her but he controled himself
Chiku:so how can we help you today sir? Wait you look like someone I know
Goku:oh no..... I uhh don't know what your talking about haha
He laughed nervously
Chiku:i cant remember properly but I still remember his face a little
Goku:umm yeah ok! Uhh so could you tell me where your manager is I need to talk to him ?
Chiku:yeah and actually it's her not him and she in the stage
Goku:what?!*oh no so she is telling me the manager is the bear women*?!
Goku:hey umm wait
Goku: could you tell me her name ?
Chiku:you mean her? Oh her name fredrina
Goku:hmm ok fredrina huh?
Chiku:could you tell me why u came here sir and can you tell me your name?
Goku:*oh what should I say think think think* oh yeah um my name is go- gotaku
Chiku:oh yeah i remember now his name was Goku
Goku:*oh no what have i done*?
Chiku:really close with your name huh?
Goku:yeah I guess soo i actually came for the guard job was it call that? No night guard job yeah that one
Chiku:umm I don't think that a good idea sir
Goku:huh why?
Chiku: nevermind follow me
So Goku followed here and while they were on their way chiku was thinking of what the girls will do to him
Chiku:*oh no if he takes the job the girls will kill him and he is such a nice and handsome guy*
Chiku was really worried
They stoped
Chiku:here we are
Chiku: anyways I'll go now
Goku:well thanks for the assistance ma,am
He said while smiling which chiku blush a little so she just rushed off
Goku:oh here goes nothing
He knocked on the door and a low voice said come in and Goku opened the door and there were two guys
???:soo good sir what brings you here today?
Goku:hey it's me gok-
???:huh can you please say that again
Goku:it's me gotaku?
???:well mr.gotaku how can we help you today?
The other guy said
???:his name sound familiar doesn't it?
???:yeah remind me of someone
Goku:*why do they keep on remembering me*?!
???: anyways come sit down
Goku:*phew thank god*
So he sat in a chair
???:my mr gotaku your really tall aren't you?
Goku:well I have been drinking milk
???:well he has a point
???: nevermind so Mr what bring you here today?
He said while drinking some water
Goku:well I came for the night guard job
The other guy immediately spit out the water from his mouth
???: really?!!
Goku:woah is the job that dangerous?
???:no no well nevermind that my name is mairusu and my guy here is Henry he's the master mind behind the girls and I am the master behind the club
Goku:well that really cool
Mairusu:so let's get to business shall we?
Mairusu:ok I am going to ask you a set of 4 questions
Mairusu:first question:did you have any jobs before this?
Goku: actually no this is my first job
Mairusu:instresting ok second question:why do you want to take up this job?
Goku:well you won't belive me but I have absolutely no money right now
Mairusu:hmm now that a reasonable explanation
Mairusu:ok third question:how old are you ok look I know this question seems personal but we can't do anything if you can't tell us ok?
Goku:hey i understand(gulp).....I'm uhh 23?
Mairusu:Henry can you tell me if he is saying the truth or not
Henry:yeah his is right I don't think he is liying by his face and height he is atleast 30 or 20
Mairusu:ok last question:which of the girls do you think is the prettiest and sexy?
He said teasting Goku
Goku:uhhh they are all pretty and sexy I guess
Goku didn't exactly know what sexy means but he knew what pretty means
Mairusu:really just that? Most people would be like"oh I think fredrina is the sexiest" it "foxy's got to be the sexiest right"? But you my guy is different and I like that
Goku: thanks i guess
Henry:ok just write your name her and were done
Goku:wait only that much no other questions?
Mairusu: yeah I like to keep things short
Goku:ok that awesome
But he wrote Goku as his nah not gotaku he don't like to lie that much and he was just hoping that they won't see his name
Henry:ok let me just keep it there and oh yeah one more thing here take these he gave him a security suit and badge and a gloves?
Henry:yeah uhh just for you to protect yourself if a thief enters
Goku:ah that's smart
But in reality he gave Goku just so he can protect himself from the girls but then one more problem occurs his security suit did not fit
Mairusu: welp that a problem
Henry:hmm what do we do now
Goku:hey ill just not wear is that alright but I'll take the gloves and badge ok?
Mairusu:that should be fine but don't come at night looking like that ok?
Goku:ok I'll be heading out now
Mairusu:oh and Goku sleep when you get home and employes eat free here so feel free to order anything
Goku:wow really?! That awesome!
So he went straight hoke instead of earth because he need to wake up at night
And as he went he looked around and when nobody was there he flew away
After reaching home
Goku:well let's just hope I wake up early since it only 6:30 and i have not even that worm clothes and it's getting really cold outside
Goku:just great
So he went to sleep instantly after closing his eyes and he forgot to train

-To be continued-

Yo guys tell me if i improved from last time in the comments if you wants don't comment just requesting

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