The dead and revival of goku

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Soo guys u must be wondering why this story is not starting by fina and Goku just metting up I know this story is fnia X Goku but i want to make Goku grow up and make this a bit logical soo if u just start up by Goku having the job with no introduction and other stuff it will make no sense at all soo please try to understand I am trying to make it a little bit more fun to read
Ok let's continue with the story

Soo bardock and Goku went to up to the top of their place where they were staying by Goku never went up there yet and bardock knew that so
Bardock: so Goku u see these start and planets?
Goku: wow! they are soo amazing and beautiful
Bardock: look Goku u might think those other plants might be more safe and fun to go too but your wrong there are people who are more hostile and stronger than frezia soldiers
Goku: wow really?
He said in a sad tone
Bardock: but don't worry after we win this war we are going to get off this crap planet and enjoy a happy life in another planet
Goku: yes I will be waiting to win this war
So for more moments they both stared at the planets and start and soon they heard a voice
Gine: guys food is done you can come down now
Bardock: ok wait for some time please
Bardock: tomorrow I am going to train you ok and make you stronger than before
Goku: ok
And they both went down to eat
And after some time they all finished eating and went to bed
Gine:goodnight Goku
Goku: good night mom good night dad
Bardock:good night son
Time idk they did not have a watch so
It was early in the morning gine was still asleep but Goku and his father were training
Goku:ha ya haya
As Goku was sending a barrages of punches at his father but it was of no use as Bardock dodged it all and hit caught Goku off guard and hit him in the head
Goku:ahh that hurt
Bardock: come on Goku concentrate
So Goku got up and began sending barrage of punches but bardock dodged all of it again but this time Goku kept his guard up and just as Bardock was gonna hit him he quickly dodged it and hit him behind his head
Bardock:ow, good job Goku I'm proud of you so
Goku:thanks dad
Bardock:ok that should be enough now let's rest
So by saying that bardock went inside their soo called home and wake up gine and told her to cook food
And as time passes by frieza army were pushing towards their place but bardock and gine manages to defend off their place and Goku joined aswell
*5 years later*
Bardock: Goku look out!
A blast manages to hit him and it send Goku far
???: aw ha ha ha
???: looks a you monkeys thinking only 3 of you could defeate my army ?
Bardock:hrgg dam you frezia
But bardock could not do anything as he was hurt Baldy because of the intense fight against frieza soldiers
Bardock: *arghmy arm it's hurts*
King Vegeta: hey frezia why don't try some of you energy blast
Kinge Vegeta: ha,ha,ha,ha, take this and that u ruthless monster
By doing that there was smoke all around the place and king Vegeta took the opportunity to get bardock gine and Goku our of the place
Kinge Vegeta: come on get up we don't have much time! and where is Goku?
Bardock :he- he's there near the wall
Gine:you guys get out of here I'll go and pick up Goku and follow you
Bardock: you sure?
Gine: quickly get out of here
By saying they both flew away from the area
Gine:I hope they will be ok
And she quickly flew over to Goku and picked him up and got out of there and when the smoke was almost gone she managed to escape
Gine:*Goku please hang in there*
And she flew quickly and caught up with king Vegeta and Bardock and they reach to king Vegeta's place after sometime
Gine: someone please help my baby he is not breathing!
As tears ran down her face
King Vegeta : wait I'll bring someone
Bardock:Goku ! Goku!!
He touched his face and screamed but Goku did not answer

*To be continued*

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