Grandpa's gift to Goku

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Grandpa Gohan took both of them outside
Grandpa:can you see those stars
Goku and Vegeta:yes
Grandpa:i want both of you to be bright like the stars
Goku:umm what does that mean ?
Vegeta:hmp that make no sense
Grandpa: you will understand when you become big but I'm old now and I don't think I'll live long enough to see you two grow up
Goku:grandpa don't say that
Vegeta:he is speaking nonsense again
Grandpa: don't worry Goku I am not gonna die yet now you two go to sleep tomorrow we are going to train
Goku: ok
Vegeta:you brought us up here to tell us this
Goku:Vegeta don't say that he told us good thing we will understand soon enough
So all of them went back inside and grandpa showed them where they will sleep and they both went to sleep before grandpa could even say a word
Grandpa:*ho ho they went to sleep so quickly they must be tired*
And grandpa went to sleep aswell
Soon it's was morning and it was time to train
"Goku and vegeta still sleeping"
Grandpa: come on you two wake up time
Goku:*yawn* ok were waking up
Vegeta:*yawn* ahh my body hurts a bit
Grandpa:don't worry your body will be fine in some time so you two want something to eat?
Goku:yeah I love the things you make
Vegeta:i cant argue with that
Grandpa: well then come on
Like that they both got out of bed and began to stretch first and then went to bed
Grandpa: here's ur food eat up
But it was different food this time
Goku: what's this small white thing?
Vegeta:puh it has no taste
Grandpa: just try it with the soup and it will taste great
And grandpa was not kidding it tasted great
Goku:wow what's it called?
Grandpa: it's rice
Goku:wow rice is tasty
And they soon gobbled up the food
Goku:wow that was the best food i have ever eat
Vegeta:yeah me two
Grandpa:ho ho i glad you two boys liked it now you two go out and walk while I'll clean the food but don't go too far out ok
Grandpa:cars can hit you
Goku:what a car?
Grandpa:oh you won't know what a car is
Goku:is it something that has circle below it ?
Grandpa: oh so you know?
Goku:yeah we have already seen it and it's weird
Grandpa: ok good but don't go out far because a car can it you
Soo they both went you and were sitting in the grass looking at the people that were just waking in the pathway
Goku:do you think frieza will still be looking for us ?
Vegeta: yes he swore that he will eraser all the saiyans from existence which includes us and that is what my father told me
Goku: should we tell grandpa
Vegeta: what's the point he won't belive us he is a normal human and not a Saiyan who fought frieza like us
Goku:yeah thats true
A breeze or wind blow by them
Goku:wow it's cold
Vegeta: we should ask grandpa some warmer clothes
But they got inturrepted by grandpa calling them so they went inside
Goku:grandpa do you have any warmer clothes it's getting quite cold
Vegeta:yes he is saying a useful thing for the first time
Goku:come on Vegeta
Grandpa:mmm i don't know follow me first
Soo they follow him to his room and grandpa began searching for some clothes but something caught Goku's eyes
Goku:woah grandpa this stick looks exactly like mine but the colour is different
Grandpa: I used this stick for many adventures but i am old now so I don't use it now
Goku took the stick and did some moves with it which impressed grandpa
Goku:it's almost the same as my stick
Grandpa: if you want you can keep it
Goku:really? Thanks grandpa
Grandpa: your welcome kid but what about you Vegeta you want a stick like that ?
Vegeta:ha a stick is for a weakling who don't know how to fight i have a Saiyan blood in me so I don't need a stick
Grandpa: ok Vegeta. Goku that i call it the power pole so u can call it the power pole ok here I found some warm clothes this used to be mine now it's yours now put in on Goku
After a couple of minutes later Goku was ready
Grandpa:you can also put the power pole in the back
Goku:wow that's handy

 Goku that i call it the power pole so u can call it the power pole ok here I found some warm clothes this used to be mine now it's yours now put in on Goku Goku:ok After a couple of minutes later Goku was ready Grandpa:you can also put the power ...

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Oh yeah I forgot to mention any of this images and pictures is not mine so I don't want to take any credit of these pictures

Grandpa: her Vegeta since you more of the a price type i found a cloth with a cape.
Put in on

And so Vegeta did

Goku:wow that look really good on you VegetaVegeta:thanks Grandpa:ok you two time for trainingGoku and Vegeta both:ok!

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Goku:wow that look really good on you Vegeta
Grandpa:ok you two time for training
Goku and Vegeta both:ok!

-To to be continued-

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